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San Diego teachers will return to in-person teaching! Great news right? WRONG.
“Some San Diego public school parents are angered over plans for teachers to provide in-person instruction to migrant children while their kids remain stuck at home slogging through virtual Zoom sessions.
Teachers from the San Diego County Office of Education as well as other nonprofit organizations started providing educational services on Monday to some of the 500 minors who arrived from Texas and Arizona over the weekend.
The girls, whose ages range from 13 to 17, are being sheltered at the San Diego Convention Center, which has been repurposed as a temporary overflow facility, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.”
Did you get that?? In-person teaching of migrant kids is absolutely 100% fine with teachers, and the teachers union. In-person learning for the American kids within their own school district? Oh. The. Horror!
Every single parent across the entire San Diego school district should be enraged right now. Their kids are still stuck with sitting in front of computer screens at home.
Yet migrant children will enjoy in-person teaching??
“”We have 130,000 kids who haven’t been allowed in a classroom for over a year in the San Diego Unified School District. It’s great that there’s in-person learning for those unaccompanied minors from Central America, but I wish every child in San Diego County was allowed the same opportunity for in-person teaching,” San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond told Fox News.
“The system is broken when San Diego teachers are teaching migrant children in person, but the 100k students of taxpaying families at San Diego Unified School District are stuck learning in Zoom school,” Emily Diaz, an SDUSD parent, told Fox News in an email.”
Supposedly, in addition to the Covid fear-mongering that teachers and teachers unions have gleefully embraced, opening San Diego schools isn’t happening because of lack of funding. Really?? On top of their annual budget, the San Diego Unified School District got $342.6 million from the American Rescue Plan, and $240 million from the CARES Act. So NO, do NOT tell me that it’s partly a funding issue which is holding San Diego schools back from opening.
But, it’s really important that these girls are taught art, music, and such so they can learn to speak English! In fact, the city is here to inform you that it’s their “moral obligation” to do so!
“All children in California, regardless of immigration status, have a constitutional right to education. We also have a moral obligation to ensure a bright future for our children,” an SDCOE spokesperson told Fox News in an emailed statement.
“The educational program will include English language development and social-emotional learning opportunities. The teachers who are participating in the program are doing so voluntarily, and the program is following a COVID-19 screening protocol based on guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.””
The blatant hypocrisy in the above statement is astounding. For MONTHS now, teachers unions all over the country have kept classroom doors closed to in-person learning because of Covid, but more importantly because of power. They’ve demanded their cake and then some while leaving our children in the dust. Our children have lost well over a year of valuable learning skills, tools, and education by being shut in their homes and locked into idiotic Zoom classes where far too many teachers phone it in, and in more than a few cases only show up to teach for a mere four hours a week.
Yet parents are supposed to accept that in-person teaching of migrant children is SUCH a “moral obligation” that teachers are willing to waive all their Covid objections and happily trot right on over to the convention center with no qualms? San Diego parents are supposed to just ignore this hypocrisy and wait for the day (possibly two weeks from now) when a hybrid plan of in-person teaching resumes?
Interesting. We were told by an esteemed member of a local school board that in person class is racist towards the minority students.
— Mj (@da2ndgentleman) March 29, 2021
Yes indeed, that really happened.
San Diego parents are supposed to be thrilled that the Mayor thinks this is AWESOME!!
BREAKING: San Diego Democrat Mayor brags to CNN about his decision to offer in-person classes to illegal immigrants that arrived this weekend at our Convention Center – all while his own city's schools remain CLOSED to actual citizens!!
— Carl DeMaio (@carldemaio) March 29, 2021
Keep in mind, these teachers are going into a space where at least 30 of the girls who’ve arrived thus far… HAVE COVID. Oh wait, they’ll be fine, because the girls are being sequestered in their own little pod, and the rest of those kids (here in the country illegally) are getting tested three times a week.
It’s the equivalent of having to tell your children that you can’t feed them but instead the food for our family is going to elsewhere
— Michael Derry (@mike72394) March 30, 2021
Exactly. To be sure, EVERY child should have the opportunity to get an education. However, when we see a city/county and a school district blatantly prioritize illegal immigrants over their own communities, the criticism is completely warranted.
San Diego screwed up royally here and if I were a parent there, I’d be burning up the phone lines making my objections to this hypocrisy blatantly clear.
Feature Photo Credit: Student in empty classroom via Pixabay, cropped and modified
At least they are not doing this.
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