Princeton Comedy Continues: Now It’s ROTARY Hunger Strikes

Princeton Comedy Continues: Now It’s ROTARY Hunger Strikes

As Amanda wrote here, the Princeton hunger strikes are comedy gold. Well, the farcical comedy continues. Now they have turned to rotary hunger strikes.

Portland Schools: “Equitable Grading” Means No Failure Or Success

Portland Schools: “Equitable Grading” Means No Failure Or Success

As we prepare for another school year, Portland Public Schools are preparing to test out a new “grading practice” that aims to make everyone happy and mediocre.

Liberal Policies Endangering Teachers And Students

Liberal Policies Endangering Teachers And Students

We’ve had issues with and concerns with schools, unions, sometimes teachers themselves, and students. We’ve also watched as liberal policies create a dangerous environment for students and…

Stanford Law Students May Still Be Disciplined

Stanford Law Students May Still Be Disciplined

The fallout after the disgraceful display that Stanford Law put on in reaction to Judge Kyle Duncan’s attempt to give a speech has been pretty limited up…

Stanford DEI Prof Believes Student Protest Was Authentic Free Speech

Stanford DEI Prof Believes Student Protest Was Authentic Free Speech

Standard DEI professor Tieren Steinbach doesn’t get it. She’s currently on leave from Stanford and is defending her actions in an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal….

Covid Relief Funds Spent On Critical Race Theory In Schools

Covid Relief Funds Spent On Critical Race Theory In Schools

Covid relief funds were SUPPOSED to be used to get schools open and students back to in-person education. While that has happened across many districts, in New…

San Francisco School Board Recalled, Liberals Will Refuse To Learn Lesson

San Francisco School Board Recalled, Liberals Will Refuse To Learn Lesson

Three San Francisco School Board members were recalled last night. By overwhelming margins.

Schools Nationwide Bitterly Clinging To Masks And Vax

Schools Nationwide Bitterly Clinging To Masks And Vax

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the last place that will be freed from COVID restrictions will be the public schools.

Leftist Students To ASU: Kick “Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse” Out

Leftist Students To ASU: Kick “Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse” Out

Leftist student organizations at ASU (Arizona State University) are demanding that the school kick “Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse” out of school.

Science! Newsom Mandates Vaccines For ALL K-12 Students

Science! Newsom Mandates Vaccines For ALL K-12 Students

Gavin Newsom is following the science! with his mandates. The science of politics that is. Yesterday, Gavin Newsom, fresh off of his recall victory decided another mandate…

Biden Left Athletes, Artists, And Children In Afghanistan

Biden Left Athletes, Artists, And Children In Afghanistan

There are soccer players, artists, students and children still in Afghanistan. ALL of them are in danger. Quite a number of them are American citizens. Joe Biden…

Teachers Unions Told CDC What School Reopening Guidance To Use

Teachers Unions Told CDC What School Reopening Guidance To Use

Teachers unions. Can’t live with them, would really like to live without them. Especially given how they’ve acted over the last fourteen months.

Colorado Bill Will Legalize Crime In Schools

Colorado Bill Will Legalize Crime In Schools

Legalize crime in schools? It’s on track to become a reality if Colorado’s SB-182 passes and is signed into law by Governor Jared Polis.

San Diego Teachers Teach Illegals In-Person, Not Their Own Students

San Diego Teachers Teach Illegals In-Person, Not Their Own Students

San Diego teachers will return to in-person teaching! Great news right? WRONG.

Students Locked Out While Unions Dictate Terms

Students Locked Out While Unions Dictate Terms

In the battle of local juridictions versus teachers’ unions over school reopening, the unions are glorying in their upper hand while the students sit at home.

Student Journalists Walkout Because Boss Was Mean

Student Journalists Walkout Because Boss Was Mean

Student journalists walked off the job two days ago because their boss was mean. No, this is not the Babylon Bee. Forty three “journalists” penned a grievance…

Schools, Teachers, and Covid: Disregard Students

Schools, Teachers, and Covid: Disregard Students

As schools reopen around the country, the Covid furor between teachers, parents, and unions ignores the needs of the students. The divide between “go back in person”…

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Ava Gardner