Super Tuesday Fallout
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Mike Bloomberg Finds Out He Can’t Buy The Presidency

Mike Bloomberg Finds Out He Can’t Buy The Presidency

Mike Bloomberg Finds Out He Can’t Buy The Presidency

Mike Bloomberg did not have a Super Tuesday. It was so unSuper, American Samoa was only win, that he has suspended his campaign and endorsed Joe Biden.

““Three months ago, I entered the race for President to defeat Donald Trump. Today, I am leaving the race for the same reason: to defeat Donald Trump – because it is clear to me that staying in would make achieving that goal more difficult,” he wrote in a letter to supporters adding “I’ve always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterday’s vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden.””

Evidently Elizabeth ‘notanIndian’ Warren nor Bernie ‘socialismisgrand!’ Sanders are the best candidates in Mike Bloomberg’s opinion.

Then again, given how Lizzie hammered at him in the debate the other week regarding those pesky NDA’s, it would’ve caused heads to spin if he endorsed her whether she was front runner or not!

Mike Bloomberg has, thus far, spent over $700 million in ads all across the country. They were tiresome pandering ads that drove people nuts. Furthermore, blatantly buying his way to the Presidency a la Brewster’s Millions didn’t resonate well with the progressive screechers in the Democrat party.

Thus, one would’ve thought that they’d turn out in droves to punt Bloomberg to the curb and put Bernie or Liz as the front-runner across the country. Except it didn’t happen that way.

Astoundingly, here in CO, Bloomberg managed to nearly tie Joe Biden. He got 21% of the vote to Biden’s 23%. Bernie cleaned up at 36%. Yet across the board, Bloomberg trailed a very distant 3rd or 4th.

All that money down the drain, and for what? A failure of a campaign that was designed to GET TRUMP!!?

By golly, those Russians really are smart aren’t they?

Mike Bloomberg’s problem was…himself. 

““Some of these candidates criticize me for spending a lot of money,” Bloomberg said at a December stump stop in Ohio. “I think “you want me to spend less to get rid of Donald Trump? I don’t think so.”

Bloomberg’s campaign has said it would “spend whatever it takes” to remove Trump from office; he has left open the possibility that he could eventually put as much as a billion dollars into the race – even if it’s not his to run – pledging to keep his operation open even if he is not the nominee – to help whoever does eventually win.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he would refuse Bloomberg’s help, should he win the nomination; Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., though she said she’d accept Bloomberg’s aid, also did not hold back: in turns accusing him of “buying his way” into the election, and that he was “skipping the democracy part” of the primary.”

It left a bad taste in people’s mouths when he flatly said that the only candidate his news organization would conduct opposition research on was Trump. Voters didn’t like his ads, didn’t like his back-pedaling on “Stop and Frisk,” and his non-answers regarding the NDA’s really hurt him.

Furthermore, it was obvious that voters didn’t want an “Insult King” who declares that tradespeople and farmers are too dumb to learn to code. 

Pandering commentary like this didn’t help. 

“Michael Bloomberg has said he will eat at a Chinese restaurant in the coming days to show solidarity with businesses who have been hit by public fears about coronavirus.”

Nor did this condescending explanation of how “we” say Texas.

Needless to say, as the vote totals rolled in last night, Bloomberg had to reassess and still somehow give an upbeat speech to his supporters. Cued up at 5 hours in.

I don’t know about you, but if that is upbeat for Bloomberg, I’d hate to see what he’s like when he’s truly excited about something.

Mike Bloomberg has already spent half a billion dollars with nothing to show for it. How much will he spend to prop up Joe Biden and for how long?

Feature Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • windbag says:

    He came. He saw. He squandered.

  • Scott says:

    The results show how far Colorado has gone when the leftists fools that infest this once great state went for the crazy commie so overwhelmingly (though i’d assume the white guilt idiots in Boulder are the ones that went for Mini-Mike.)

  • Taylor says:

    A pathetic, haughty, clueless , condescending, little man.

  • Joe in PNG says:

    As Jerry Della Femina put it, “Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising.”

    All those millions in ad dollars did was make more people realize that Mini Mike was an unpleasant, unlikable, horrid little man.

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