Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Here’s an image to give wing to flights of fiction. Come and write a story, 100 words, no more, no less, and post in the comments.

NY Times Begs Senators Collins And Murkowski To Defect Because Trump And Roe V Wade [VIDEO]

NY Times Begs Senators Collins And Murkowski To Defect Because Trump And Roe V Wade [VIDEO]

The caterwauling over the potential picks for Supreme Court reached ear-splitting levels in about .023 seconds. Not only do we have the ZOMG! Roe v Wade is…

Without Roe v. Wade Women Could Be Jailed For Miscarriages

Without Roe v. Wade Women Could Be Jailed For Miscarriages

Lord, help me Jesus. These people are stupid. A law professor asserted on MSNBC, you should pardon the expression, that women could be criminally jailed for stillbirths…

The Bullying Left Goes After A Teenager [VIDEO]

The Bullying Left Goes After A Teenager [VIDEO]

Wearing a MAGA hat in public is akin to wearing a red flag in front of a bull to those oh-so-tolerant leftists, apparently. They just lose control…

DNA Testing Being Done On Families Held At Border

DNA Testing Being Done On Families Held At Border

“” is reporting that DNA testing is being performed on the children and adults held at the border to prove family connections. According to the CNN report:

Roe v. Wade Movie Filming in New Orleans, Pro-Life

Roe v. Wade Movie Filming in New Orleans, Pro-Life

“The Hollywood Reporter” posted an article revealing that a “secret” Roe v. Wade movie is being filmed in New Orleans. The film has a working title that…

Why I’m Thankful That My Oma and Opa Decided to Come to America.

Why I’m Thankful That My Oma and Opa Decided to Come to America.

‘Immigrant’ seems to be a loaded word these days. It’s probably because the open borders crowd lump legal immigrants with illegals, giving them all a bad name….

Boycott The Fourth, But Don’t Crash My Cookout

Boycott The Fourth, But Don’t Crash My Cookout

I don’t know about you, but these Social Justice Zealot types are getting on my last nerve. Some minister(??!!) from Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina is telling people to…

A Real American

A Real American

I was eight years old when I first set foot on American soil. I remember the airport in the dead of winter. I remember women and children,…

An Enduring Love Letter to America [VIDEO]

An Enduring Love Letter to America [VIDEO]

Independence Day is about the nation, its ideals, principles and people. For one young immigrant it was also about gratitude for saving his life and his love…

The Best Breakup Letter Ever: The Declaration Of Independence [VIDEO]

The Best Breakup Letter Ever: The Declaration Of Independence [VIDEO]

What is the absolute best Dear George letter of all time? Our Declaration of Independence.

Facebook Fails and Flails Again

Facebook Fails and Flails Again

On the eve of the 242nd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Facebook once again stepped into a pile of steaming, stinking excrement of…

We Lower Our Flags Because of the Feels, Not Because It’s an Honor. [VIDEO]

We Lower Our Flags Because of the Feels, Not Because It’s an Honor. [VIDEO]

I was pretty young when an assassin killed President John F. Kennedy, but I still have vivid memories of that day. At school, the principal called us…

Imran Awan Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal And Feds Drop House Cybersecurity Investigation [VIDEO]

Imran Awan Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal And Feds Drop House Cybersecurity Investigation [VIDEO]

Since February 2017, Luke Rosiak at The Daily Caller has been doggedly pursuing the Imran Awan House IT scandal. What he has uncovered in this case is…

Iran Blames Israel For Stealing Clouds [VIDEO]

Iran Blames Israel For Stealing Clouds [VIDEO]

Otherwise known as “how the Jews control the weather, part 2.”

Merkel Lather, Rinses, Retreats on Migrants [VIDEO]

Merkel Lather, Rinses, Retreats on Migrants [VIDEO]

HOW the mighty have fallen on their righteous swords lately. Angela Merkel – fierce defender of open borders in the European Union’s “Schengen Zone” – first had…

Strike Three: Man Threatens to Murder Rand Paul and His Family with an Ax

Strike Three: Man Threatens to Murder Rand Paul and His Family with an Ax

First it was a baseball practice. Then it was his neighbor. And now a man has threatened to hack to death Senator Rand Paul and his family:

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Ava Gardner