SCOTUS Overrules Old Japanese Internment Ruling, Liberals Lose Their Minds. [VIDEO]

SCOTUS Overrules Old Japanese Internment Ruling, Liberals Lose Their Minds. [VIDEO]

The Supreme Court just upheld President Trump’s travel ban on people from designated nations. Not only that, but SCOTUS also overruled an infamous decision from FDR’s administration.

#SCOTUS Stops CA Abortion Advertising Law [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS Stops CA Abortion Advertising Law [VIDEO]

While the Supreme Court’s decision on the “travel ban” is getting most of the literal and virtual ink today, the Court also struck down the California law…

#SCOTUS Upholds President Trump’s Travel Ban By Vote of 5-4 [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS Upholds President Trump’s Travel Ban By Vote of 5-4 [VIDEO]

Trying to legislate against President Trump from the judicial bench is backfiring against the Left BIGLY. In this case, the backfire is specifically directed at those whining…

Italy Sticks to Hardline Migrants Guns [VIDEO]

Italy Sticks to Hardline Migrants Guns [VIDEO]

Apparently Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is not one to let tumbleweeds grow under his feet after a successful first offensive. Oh, gads, NO. Not content to strike…

#TehranBazaar: Iranians Chant “Death to Palestine” Amid Growing Economic Reform Protests

#TehranBazaar: Iranians Chant “Death to Palestine” Amid Growing Economic Reform Protests

Following Monday’s general strike that closed the Tehran bazaar, Iranians once again took to the streets demanding economic reforms amid a tanking economy, rampant corruption, and stifling…

The Opening Of The Social Civil War [VIDEO]

The Opening Of The Social Civil War [VIDEO]

The lines have been drawn, and this is not going to end well. Over the weekend, the positive glee of many people on the left who were…

Obama Era School Regulations Cause Grief, Violence [VIDEO]

Obama Era School Regulations Cause Grief, Violence [VIDEO]

A few months ago, many of us here discussed the causes we believed responsible for the spate of violence in schools, the heartbreak and grief, the suicides,…

Celebrities’ Cheap Stunt Protest Ignores Border Crossing Reality [VIDEO]

Celebrities’ Cheap Stunt Protest Ignores Border Crossing Reality [VIDEO]

A 24 hour hunger strike? Standing with signs at the border for the cameras? Hollywood has arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border, and they are prepared to stand…

Making a Run for the Border: D-List Dunham and Other Super Clueless Celebs to The Rescue!

Making a Run for the Border: D-List Dunham and Other Super Clueless Celebs to The Rescue!

What does every kid held in a tent city at the border need? A visit from Lena Dunham and her crew, of course!

Democrat Maxine Waters Makes Public Call For Harassment & Violence Against Members of Trump Administration [VIDEO]

Democrat Maxine Waters Makes Public Call For Harassment & Violence Against Members of Trump Administration [VIDEO]

The House of Representatives biggest punchline, Mad Maxine Waters (CA 43rd district, D-eranged), has moved from crazy auntie status to incitement demagogue.

Seth Rogen Is Proud Of Being A Jerk To Kids [VIDEO]

Seth Rogen Is Proud Of Being A Jerk To Kids [VIDEO]

Usually, this is the kind of story that gets repeated on “celebrities who were jerks” lists on Reddit or other websites. But in today’s celebrity “woke” culture,…

Could North Korea Really Be Ready To Denuclearize?

Could North Korea Really Be Ready To Denuclearize?

It has only been twelve short days since the Singapore Summit but with our attention quickly diverted to the “border crisis”, it seems much longer. With the…

Sarah Sanders and Freedom of Association

Sarah Sanders and Freedom of Association

In a perfect world, business owners would be free to legally boot customers from their premises whom they don’t want to serve. In a perfect world, we…

Direct Your Anger At Illegal Immigrant Parents

Direct Your Anger At Illegal Immigrant Parents

Every network and newspaper, including Fox News Channel, is credulously reporting on the Congressional Delegations visiting the Customs and Border Protection processing facility in McAllen, TX. “USA…

Seattle Mayor Durkan Travels to Border to Protest: Ignores Own Backyard

Seattle Mayor Durkan Travels to Border to Protest: Ignores Own Backyard

We saw a crying girl on a magazine cover. Tons of virtue-signaling celebrities sounded off on the inhumane treatment of illegal immigrant children being “ripped” away from…

We’ve Found the Parasites

We’ve Found the Parasites

It’s not enough that rank and file members of Congress get salaries of $174,000 per year paid by we, the people, many of whom earn considerably less…

Avoiding Fate of Angel Families Outweighs Temporary Separation of Illegal Immigrant Families

Avoiding Fate of Angel Families Outweighs Temporary Separation of Illegal Immigrant Families

In response to massive media and pundit criticism this week, President Trump signed an executive order mandating that families be kept together even if they made illegal…

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Ava Gardner