Women’s March Ditches #MeToo: Shills For Backpage.com Instead [VIDEO]

Women’s March Ditches #MeToo: Shills For Backpage.com Instead [VIDEO]

Those involved with the Women’s March organization put their hypocrisy regarding the #MeToo movement on full display this week. Why? Well, it seems that #MeToo is convenient…

What Can The United States Do About Syria? [VIDEO]

What Can The United States Do About Syria? [VIDEO]

The news broke over the weekend that yet again, there are civilians in Douma, Syria, who are dead as of a result of a suspected chemical weapon…

Facepalm Warning: Musings of Molly Ringwald on John Hughes Films

Facepalm Warning: Musings of Molly Ringwald on John Hughes Films

One has not lived lived through the 80s unless he or she has watched at least one John Hughes film. Molly Ringwald was the one of the…

You Need Mental Help: Open Letter to Jeffrey Guterman

You Need Mental Help: Open Letter to Jeffrey Guterman

A bunch of “mental health professionals,” headed by Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee, who is so unhinged, she continues to concern troll warnings about President Trump’s mental health…

Jimmy Kimmel Insults Melania, Outrage Ensues, Petition Goes Out. Because America. [VIDEO]

Jimmy Kimmel Insults Melania, Outrage Ensues, Petition Goes Out. Because America. [VIDEO]

Jimmy Kimmel is now on my last nerve. In fact, he probably sits atop lots of last nerves, especially after he mocked First Lady Melania Trump’s accent.

Twitter CEO Endorses Article Proposing Totalitarian One-Party Rule In U.S. [VIDEO]

Twitter CEO Endorses Article Proposing Totalitarian One-Party Rule In U.S. [VIDEO]

Twitter’s Jack Dorsey believes that an article and series advocating for One Party Rule in the United States is a “great” read. The authors of this article…

Maher Called Ted Cruz a Big Sphincter, Beto O’Rourke Agreed. Then Didn’t. [VIDEO]

Maher Called Ted Cruz a Big Sphincter, Beto O’Rourke Agreed. Then Didn’t. [VIDEO]

We know that HBO’s Bill Maher is a no-holds-barred kind of guy. Civility doesn’t seem to be in his DNA, although every now and then he surprises…

Gun Rights Under Attack

Gun Rights Under Attack

It didn’t start with the Las Vegas shooting, nor did it start with The Pulse or Sutherland Springs; it certainly did not start with Parkland. Our gun…

Jay-Z to Letterman: “Trump is Bringing Out An Ugly Side Of America We Thought Was Gone.”

Jay-Z to Letterman: “Trump is Bringing Out An Ugly Side Of America We Thought Was Gone.”

A rapper who’s earned millions is now a voice of conscience on Letterman. Say it isn’t so!

Anthony Borges Blames Broward Sheriff And School For Parkland, Not The NRA [VIDEO]

Anthony Borges Blames Broward Sheriff And School For Parkland, Not The NRA [VIDEO]

Anthony Borges went home from the hospital on Wednesday. He is the young man who blocked the doorway at Parkland so Nikolas Cruz couldn’t shoot any more…

Backpage.com Seized By FBI [VIDEOS]

Backpage.com Seized By FBI [VIDEOS]

Yesterday a major victory was scored for those who are interested in shutting down a website known largely for being a 21st-century pimping outlet known as Backpage.com. The…

It’s a Trap: Trump Should Not Agree to an Interview with Mueller

It’s a Trap: Trump Should Not Agree to an Interview with Mueller

You don’t have to be a first year law student to know that meeting with a prosecutor is a bad idea, even if you have a lawyer….

Leaving Congress: Trey Gowdy Finally Explains It All. [VIDEO]

Leaving Congress: Trey Gowdy Finally Explains It All. [VIDEO]

I’ve always liked Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina. After all, no one else could execute such exquisite slash-and-burn grilling of Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, or…

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Your challenge is to use this image as inspiration and write a story of 100 words, no more no less. We’ll start first with a story.

Illegal Immigration: No, President Trump Wasn’t Wrong About Reports Of Rape [VIDEO]

Illegal Immigration: No, President Trump Wasn’t Wrong About Reports Of Rape [VIDEO]

Yesterday President Trump, while at an appearance in West Virginia, dumped his prepared speech in favor of hitting a number of wide ranging subjects, including illegal immigration….

Kyle Kashuv Gets A Date, Gets Blocked By A Leftist

Kyle Kashuv Gets A Date, Gets Blocked By A Leftist

Fame is a fickle mistress. But sometimes, good things can come out of incredibly bad things. Kyle Kashuv, who has become one of the most outspoken of…

Julian Edelman Helped Prevent School Shooting

Julian Edelman Helped Prevent School Shooting

There seems to be a common theme emerging in most of the mass shootings of late. There were warning signs surrounding the shooters. Signs that were recognized…

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Ava Gardner