#Oscars2018: Anti-NRA Orange Flag Pins Are The New Black [VIDEO]

#Oscars2018: Anti-NRA Orange Flag Pins Are The New Black [VIDEO]

Jimmy Kimmel will supposedly work overtime to avoid any overt or direct political statements at this year’s self-absorbed ‘look at MEEE!’ Oscars. However, that won’t stop the…

The Curious Tale of the Florida Senate AR-15 Flip Flop [VIDEO]

The Curious Tale of the Florida Senate AR-15 Flip Flop [VIDEO]

Once, in the Kingdom of Sunny Florida, some lords of the realm called Senators met for a special Saturday session. They wanted to discuss what to do…

Generation Snowflake Needs to Start Learning, and Stop Yapping [VIDEO]

Generation Snowflake Needs to Start Learning, and Stop Yapping [VIDEO]

There’s this meme going around the Internet that discourages criticism of the student activists involved in the latest opportunistic push for gun control. Generation Snowflake is comparing…

Food Vendor Prices Meals Based on Race

Food Vendor Prices Meals Based on Race

In New Orleans, Chef Tunde Wey prices his meals to customers based on their melanin level. And he has every right to.

On Guns and Virtue-Signaling

On Guns and Virtue-Signaling

The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was a tragedy. With each new bit of evidence that comes to light about the shooter, it becomes more…

Delta loses tax break over NRA, REI hops onto virtue-signaling train over guns

Delta loses tax break over NRA, REI hops onto virtue-signaling train over guns

These boycotts are so cute. I guess that’s why REI now wants to join Delta and others in making a show of putting pressure on the NRA…

The March for Our Lives is Sheer Astroturfing. Don’t Doubt Me. [VIDEO]

The March for Our Lives is Sheer Astroturfing. Don’t Doubt Me. [VIDEO]

These Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students are amazing! They’re the most talented group of kids to ever grace the hall of a high school! Why, after…

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Your mission: to write a 100 word story, no more no less, using the image as inspiration.

Freedom Of Speech: The NRA Boycott And SCOTUS ‘Political Apparel’ Case [VIDEO]

Freedom Of Speech: The NRA Boycott And SCOTUS ‘Political Apparel’ Case [VIDEO]

Now more than ever, we are seeing a YUUGE lack of understanding as to what our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Freedom of Speech really means….

Invent Your Own Gun Terms! Who Cares? [VIDEO]

Invent Your Own Gun Terms! Who Cares? [VIDEO]

Words apparently mean nothing anymore, especially when it comes to the continuing debate on guns, gun control, school safety, and everything else that has come up over…

ICE ICE Libby: Oakland Mayor snitches about Immigration Raids

ICE ICE Libby: Oakland Mayor snitches about Immigration Raids

ICE is Immigration and Customs Enforcement and part of their job is rounding up illegals. Which Oakland’s mayor is doing her best to obstruct.

Hope Hicks Bolts White House And You Should Care

Hope Hicks Bolts White House And You Should Care

White House Communications Director Hope Hicks has resigned from the Trump Administration the day after she testified before the (cue threatening music) House Intelligence Committee. You know,…

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Ava Gardner