Black Friday Gun Checks Skyrocket, Piers Morgan Has A Meltdown [VIDEO]

Black Friday Gun Checks Skyrocket, Piers Morgan Has A Meltdown [VIDEO]

Typically Black Friday news is filled with the idiots on parade who get into fistfights and wreck stores all because they want that ONE stupid item. However,…

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Pelosi! [VIDEO]

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Pelosi! [VIDEO]

It appears as long as a sexual harasser, rapist, or groper is a Democrat, Nancy Pelosi Skeletor believes they deserve “due process.” In an interview on “Meet the…

NYTimes: Ok to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer

NYTimes: Ok to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer

The New York Times uses its Style section to publish a puff piece on underage “makeup artists” that amounts to little more than promoting the sexual objectification…

Trump-Hating Driver Tries to Barge Into Presidential Motorcade in Florida. [VIDEO]

Trump-Hating Driver Tries to Barge Into Presidential Motorcade in Florida. [VIDEO]

President Trump is spreading a nationwide epidemic. It seems that wherever he goes, liberals become gravely affected by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Let’s call it TDS, for short….

Parents Of Quintuplets Beg #PresidentTrump For Help [VIDEO]

Parents Of Quintuplets Beg #PresidentTrump For Help [VIDEO]

Chad and Amy Kempel of Walnut Creek California have requested President Trump’s assistance in a last-ditch effort to save their quintuplets. The expectant parents have sought his help…

Female Democrats Tell John Conyers (D-Mich) to Resign, Sponsor #MeToo Legislation

Female Democrats Tell John Conyers (D-Mich) to Resign, Sponsor #MeToo Legislation

Are female Democrats finally standing up for women? So far the allegations of sexual harassment, abuse, and assault have tipped heavily toward males on the liberal side…

Reverend Pavlovitz Petulantly Demands Apology From Trump Voters [VIDEO]

Reverend Pavlovitz Petulantly Demands Apology From Trump Voters [VIDEO]

The word for today is Petulantly. John Pavlovitz had a lovely little post that is kind of relevant here. I wonder if it would hurt him in…

Food Fight! Saudi Crown Prince Called Iran’s Ali Khamenei the New Hitler. [VIDEO]

Food Fight! Saudi Crown Prince Called Iran’s Ali Khamenei the New Hitler. [VIDEO]

The new Saudi Crown Prince just threw shade at the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling him the “new Hitler.”

Schadenfreude! Eminem is Angrified Because Trump Won’t Answer Him [VIDEO]

Schadenfreude! Eminem is Angrified Because Trump Won’t Answer Him [VIDEO]

Eminem really hates Donald Trump. He despises him and Trump supporters so much, that last month he produced this Trump-hating “song” (and I use “song” charitably here).

#Flynn Legal Team Splits From Trump And Media Says GOTCHA! But Is It? [VIDEO]

#Flynn Legal Team Splits From Trump And Media Says GOTCHA! But Is It? [VIDEO]

The big news today will be Michael Flynn. Seems that as Americans were entering into turkey tryptophan comas, the New York Times informed us that Flynn’s legal…

Be Thankful, And Just Scroll On

Be Thankful, And Just Scroll On

Today, people will gather around a meal, to express thanks for a multitude of things – family, friends, and many other blessings in life. Today is also…

On this Thanksgiving, We Are Thankful for Men

On this Thanksgiving, We Are Thankful for Men

At Victory Girls, we love men! Men are taking quite a beating in the public square these days, but we are fighting back against the broad brush…

Hillary Clinton Discusses ‘What Happened’ With Hugh Hewitt And It’s A Doozy [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton Discusses ‘What Happened’ With Hugh Hewitt And It’s A Doozy [VIDEO]

Duane Patterson over at Hot Air wondered this morning if hell had frozen over. I don’t blame him. Hillary Clinton actually consented to a radio interview with…

This Thanksgiving, Try Serving Some Civility

This Thanksgiving, Try Serving Some Civility

Justices Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg famously had a very close friendship. They were as different, politically, as two people could possibly be, but it didn’t…

The North Korean Defector Has Bigger Balls than Roger Goodell. [VIDEO]

The North Korean Defector Has Bigger Balls than Roger Goodell. [VIDEO]

Forget any runs into the end zone you might see if you watch NFL football. The rush into the Freedom Zone made by the defecting North Korean…

ISIS Targets Barron Trump For Assassination [VIDEO]

ISIS Targets Barron Trump For Assassination [VIDEO]

ISIS might not be as centrally controlled as it once was, but the tentacles of the group still lurk on the fringes of the internet. And now…

A New Girl Scouts Ruckus: People React to Message “Parents Shouldn’t Force Daughters to Give Hugs During Holidays”

A New Girl Scouts Ruckus: People React to Message “Parents Shouldn’t Force Daughters to Give Hugs During Holidays”

Recently, the notoriously progressive Girl Scouts came out with a statement urging parents to refrain from making their daughters hug relatives over the holidays. Why would the…

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Ava Gardner