Open letter to the black Americans rioting in Ferguson

Open letter to the black Americans rioting in Ferguson

Dear Ferguson rioters, demonstrators, and media hypocrites: You might consider doing some hard thinking about what really caused the riots. Because it’s not the death of Michael…

Pentagon Considering Rescue Mission for Iraqis Trapped in the Sinjar Mountains

This is the disaster that keeps on giving.  “Man caused” by the way, by one man. The Pentagon is strongly considering sending additional military planners to Iraq to figure…

St. Louis Rioters: Shame on Them

18-year-old Michael Brown is dead. We don’t know why the initial confrontation happened. We don’t know how he ended up in the squad car. We don’t know…

BREAKING: Obama administration illegally released over 600 convicted criminal illegal aliens in 2013

Oh, I know he’s going to call “horseshit” on this news, but the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security released a devastating memo today: “The Obama administration…

Robin Williams: Our Favorite Film Scenes and USO Clips

“Gooooooood morning, Vietnam!” It’s one of Robin Williams‘ most famous and oft-quoted film lines, one that continues to keep that horrific war, where scores of our brave…

CA Senate votes to teach children that race is more important than character

Definition of “racism”:  ‘a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular…

Race Car Driver Tony Stewart Involved in Fatal Crash – Now Everyone is a Race Expert

As a racing fan (Indy Car is my preferred choice – I love open wheel racing), I felt sick to my stomach upon learning that there had…

Yazidis in The Valley of Death

As ISIS continues it’s path of eradication; details of the horrific atrocities visited upon the Yazidi people continue to emerge. Yazidis who have fled Sinjar are providing…

Bombing ISIS (Video) and Weekend Links

On Thursday night, Barack Obama authorized targeted airstrikes against ISIS, along with humanitarian aid airdrops to the thousands and thousands of displaced Iraqis. He really didn’t have…

Standing up to ISIS: Obama Needs the Fortitude of Flight 93 Heroes

This week President Obama ordered airstrikes in Iraq. The Nobel Peace Prize winner apparently has decided that talking will not work with the “junior varsity” militants who…

Eric Holder and his racist election scam gets clobbered by Federal Court

Common sense makes a judicial comeback.   Thankfully, this means the North Carolina voter ID law will be in place for the midterm congressional (and Senate) elections…

Senator Feinstein-ISIS Should Be Dealt With Forcefully

While watching the going’s on in Iraq over the past weeks I have been consistently amazed by one thing-our “leaders” haven’t been paying it much attention. Yesterday,…

ISIS is Eradicating All Religious Minorities

The terrorist group ISIS has doubled down on its efforts to take over Iraq. In the last two months, they have destroyed monuments, ancient manuscripts, biblical artifacts,…

Fremont Sex-Ed Textbook Teaches Students About Bondage and Vibrators with Explicit Photos; Parents Furious

California parents are furious over a sex-ed textbook that they are slamming as graphic and inappropriate for children. Over 1000 people have signed a petition demanding the…

CDC: Ebola Outbreak in the US “Inevitable”

So much for the whole “There’s nothing to worry about” schtick.  The CDC has issued its highest alert regarding Ebola, with its chief finally admitting that Ebola…

Airstrikes in Iraq – Obama Authorizes Action Against ISIS

Airstrikes in Iraq – Obama Authorizes Action Against ISIS

In the face of a crumbling Iraqi government, and the sheer dominance of ISIS (who have now just renamed themselves the Islamic State), President Obama last night…

Your Education or Your Life? Stalking Victim is Told That She Can’t Carry A Gun on Campus

Dartmouth College is so squeamish about guns that they are refusing to let a stalking victim have an exception to carry a gun on their precious “gun-free…

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Ava Gardner