COVID Chaos And The Fauci Gang: Apologies Not Accepted

COVID Chaos And The Fauci Gang: Apologies Not Accepted

COVID Chaos And The Fauci Gang: Apologies Not Accepted

On the heels of the release of the Fauci e-mails that detailed COVID-era communications, an adviser to the doctor comes forward with excuses and apologies.

Dr. David Morens, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) senior adviser, says he “just can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube” with regard to his “black humor” in the e-mails sent. Nor, can Dr. Moron-I mean-Dr. Morens, wipe the egg off his face, either.

Morens said he “joked” about incriminating e-mails “disappearing” during the COVID era. That FOIA’s (Freedom of Information Act) were “dreadful and paranoia inducing”. He also said he “joked” about them all being “smart enough to know to never have smoking guns”. In another message, Moreno boasted about learning how to make e-mails and messages “disappear”.

The e-mails and messages in question are between Mr. Morens and Dr. Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, a non-governmental organization that funded coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.

In a Sept. 7, 2021, email, EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak wrote to Morens about previous reporting from The Intercept on coronavirus research in Chinese labs, saying, ‘The lab leakers are already stirring up bulls–t lines of attack that will bring more negative publicity our way — which is what this is about — a way to line up the [gain-of-function] attack on Fauci, or the ‘risky research’ attack on all of us.'”Kyle Morris, Fox News

To which, Morens responded:

Do not rule out suing these a–holes for slander.”-Dr. David Morens

Morens also intentionally attempted to move all conversation to G-mail and intentionally off of his NIAID user account, to avoid “fingerprinting” Fauci and any of his “esteemed” colleagues with any of the gain-of-function research performed in Wuhan.

“It would be irresponsible of us” to ignore the bat flu. No mention of the irresponsibility of Dr. Fauci and his cronies to trust some of this “research” to happen in China. No accounting of what may have happened in China. “Irresponsibility” that needed to be moved off of one e-mail server to another because the conversations and cover-up were damning, to say the very least.

But Dr. Morens thinks he should be forgiven, seeing as he “apologized” for his callous approach to the COVID crisis that has impacted and divided so many Americans.

Four years ago, we faced uncertainty. My husband was unsure if the airline industry would ever bounce back and considered a truck-driving job. My then 8th-grade son (now graduating high school in a few weeks) wondered if he would ever have a normal wrestling season or school year ever again. My parents and my husband’s parents were glued to the news, afraid of what would happen if COVID were to strike one of them. My family has weathered the storm well. We were the fortunate ones. The airline industry bounced back. My son is graduating with honors and is a four-time Varsity athlete. We all had COVID-some of us twice-to include my father, who also has COPD. All he was afflicted with was a scratchy throat for a few days. The political and ideological divide the COVID crises has caused in my family still exists. But, we have resolved to put the relationship before the worldly issues.

Others have not weathered the storm so easily.

Americans shuttered their businesses to “slow the spread” of COVID. These Americans did not think they would be waving goodbye to their lifelong work and dreams forever when they were compliant and agreed to do this. Elderly family members got sick and died-alone. Americans were forbidden to pray and worship together but were permitted to “exercise their First Amendment rights” and riot in our city streets. We were forced to eat outside, in the cold and rain sometimes, if we wanted to support that small business from going under. We couldn’t have a cocktail after 10:00pm because, even for adults, “nothing good can happen after 10:00pm and a shot of tequila”. We were told we shouldn’t gather on holidays or birthday celebrations because “we might kill grandma” while the elites went out to fancy restaurants. Let’s not forget being forced to take a jab or lose our jobs.

I honestly think what frosts me the most is what happened to our elderly and our young people. Again, I have been blessed and my child buckled in and made the best of things during COVID. Some of his peers, however, did not.

Schools shut down and put a moratorium on education for, in some cases, almost two years. While some teachers suffered through it and dealt with the frustrations of computer-based learning for Kindergarteners, others took an extended vacation and were not present for their students. Educational reform began to help “heal” these “broken” COVID kids upon their return to the classroom. Curriculum was overhauled to incorporate “SEL” and political ideologies over academic rigor and the very basics needed to function in our world.

We let China win here and harm our innocents. Our students returned to the classroom post COVID, being years behind the rest of their peers across the globe. They lacked (some still do lack) essential social skills. They still, to this day, cover their faces with masks because they lack these social skills and are insecure. The COVID mask has become part of them, a fashion statement almost; a form of identification. They came back confused about who they are and where they fit in. Schools and educational administration aligning with the progressive agenda, encouraged this, allowing them to change their “identity” at the flip of a switch. They don’t know how to interact with people or perform simple tasks like talking on a telephone. And they are so afraid of everything (except mutilating their genitals because they are convinced they were born the opposite of their “gender identity”). They are afraid of another COVID outbreak (thanks NIH, you all, to include Fauci ,knew what you were doing here). Of their own shadows. Of driving. Of hard work. Of math. Of (real) science and biology. Of history. Of different opinions. Of Donald Trump. Of being told “no” or that they are dead wrong. Of being told they have to earn their place in this world. Some of these fearful, insecure-yet-self-important COVID kids are going to college in the fall.

Am I still angry? You bet. We all should be.

So, for Dr. David Morens of the NIAID, Dr. Fauci and all of your cronies, I would say the bloodshed is on your hands. The gun smokes. No amount of apologies and excuses could atone for the cluster you all helped create.

I say Thank God for retention policies. It’s fun to watch these baboons climb up the tree.

And for Dr. Morens, there is no “putting the toothpaste back in the tube”, you schmuck. Apology not accepted. You know there you can stick that tube, too.

Featured image via Alexandra_Koch on Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license

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