Vivek Ramaswamy With Real Change For America?

Vivek Ramaswamy With Real Change For America?

Vivek Ramaswamy With Real Change For America?

People in America say they want change; here is Vivek Ramaswamy with real change for America, but will the people buy it?

The anti-woke candidate has a lot of ideas for America. Raising the voting age, declaring independence from communist China, shutting down toxic government agencies (Department of Education, FBI, IRS), abandoning the climate cult, and supporting term limits, to name a few.

And what a fresh breath of truth air here:

Let me repeat some of that for you, we are not a direct democracy. We are a constitutional republic. Can I get an amen? Finally, someone with some vim and vigor is saying it.

Why is this man not getting more press and on-air time? It may be because he is out and amongst the people, reaching out to real Americans and, most importantly, the youngins.

You’ll see mixed reactions to his latest support for raising the voting age from 18 to 25. But hold on, it comes with some stipulations. If you are 18 and are in the military, a first responder, or, my goodness gracious, pass a civics exam, you can still vote at the age of 18. Other than that, you’d have to be 25 to vote if Vivek has his way. And with a constitutional amendment, of course.

I’m all for a civics exam for the young people these days. I mean, have you seen those man-on-the-street interviews? Right out of indoctrinated government schools, America’s youth can’t even tell you the basics, like how many United States there are or how many branches of the government there are, and can only tell you that the first American President owned slaves.

But of course, people are up in arms over the possibility of raising the voting age and warning it is discriminatory. Vivek has an answer for you. And I love his answers. Having a candidate with answers is refreshing instead of someone coming back with a circular word salad.

Far from being discriminatory, civic-duty voting has the potential to restore civic equality that many Americans long for: A kid of a billionaire can’t vote if he misses the requirement, while the kid of an inner-city single mother can still be part of the special group that determines who governs our nation. – New York Post

Vivek Ramaswamy is everywhere, it seems, but you have to look for him. But, unfortunately, the state media isn’t showing you anything about him.

You’ll see him talking to young people, reaching everyday Americans as he visits states with rallies, luncheons, interviewers, discussions, and meet and greets. You’ll also see him in essential places like New Hampshire, giving candid interviews and speaking to the local press freely.


Who is Vivek Ramaswamy?

Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and after high school, graduated from Harvard University with a major in biology.

A first-generation American, he went on to get his law degree from Yale University while working at a hedge fund.

He started a biotech company and oversaw the development of five drugs that would win approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

Ramaswamy also wrote a New York Times bestseller called “Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam.”

Last year, he launched a new firm called Strive Asset Management.

– Conversations with the Candidate, WMUR

A lot of people out there are saying it will never happen. That Vivek will never be the 2024 Presidential candidate. That it will be Trump all the way. That may be true, but I welcome a fresh young voice. I am hopeful, and I’m excited about the primaries.

Don’t you think it’s time? If the GOP wants to change, and the people of the Grand Old Party really want change like they say they want, it is time to get behind this intelligent and charismatic candidate.

I can’t speak to why Vivek hasn’t bad-mouthed Trump like some people want (maybe because he’s a classy dude) or why Vivek seems to go after DeSantis instead. Of course, there is the tired old usual response: “Vivek is only doing this to vie for the VP position with Trump.”  **yawn**

Dear Republicans who say they want real change, here is Vivek Ramaswamy. Don’t be so quick to dismiss him. Learn more about the man for yourself, Vivek Ramaswamy.

Feature Image: Cage Skidmore/Flickr/CC by-SA 2.0

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  • Cameron says:

    OK, was not sold on him until the line about Constitutional Republic. You have my attention, sir. Please continue.

    • Scott says:

      Agreed… I am very interested to now hear what he has to say on the 2nd…

    • Carol Marks says:

      Yep! He is very exciting.

      • Cameron says:

        Understand that I still have skepticism about him but that’s normal these days. And I agree with Scott: Does he support the 2nd without saying the word “but”?

        • Hate_me says:

          He at least appears to be extremely pro-2A.

          Don Lemon through a hissy fit over it. Ramaswamy is now “white” according to certain minority champions.

  • Irobot says:

    At least as a biologist he’ll be able to define what a woman is.

  • I like the man’s ideas – although I would modify the voting one somewhat. There should be no age (other than 18) point at which you are able to vote. I know WAY too many people that are well over that age who would be completely incapable of passing even the simplest of civics tests. There are also many military (mostly in the upper ranks, true) that apparently have no idea of what “Commander in Chief” means. Too many police officers also seem to have no idea of what the Fourth and Fifth Amendments do to limit their behavior.

    Everyone should be required to pass, no matter what. I would also add in that anyone, who is ineligible to vote, CANNOT serve in any government capacity, elected, appointed, or civil service. Come to think of it, contracted personnel too.

    Pipe dreams, of course. The man, even if he got past the Establishment Republicans in the primary, would never be elected. The wrong kind of brown for any Democrat or left-leaning “independent” to even consider.

    On the other hand, he would make a FANTASTIC campaign surrogate for either Trump or DeSantis.

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