This morning, University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe resigned in the middle of organized student protests, a hunger strike, and a walkout by the school’s football team. Why is this happening, exactly? Apparently, it is because Wolfe has too much “white privilege” to care about black students.
The protests began after the student government president, who is black, said in September that people in a passing pickup truck shouted racial slurs at him. In early October, members of a black student organization said slurs were hurled at them by an apparently drunken white student. Recently, a swastika drawn in human feces was found in a dormitory bathroom.
More recently, two trucks flying Confederate flags drove past a site where 150 students had gathered to protest on Sunday, a move some saw as an attempt at intimidation. One of the participants, Abigail Hollis, a black undergraduate, said the campus is “unhealthy and unsafe for us.”
So, there were two separate incidents in September and October. How the fecal swastika got conflated with the two previous incidents is a little confusing, but it is now part of the official timeline of racist events. And then Confederate flags drove by a protest. There is no knowledge of who was driving those trucks or if they were even students.
And amidst all of this, graduate student Jonathan Butler decided to stage a hunger strike in protest.
A series of racist incidents in the last few months spurred calls for change, and a graduate student, Jonathan Butler, has been holding a highly publicized hunger strike, saying he would eat again only when Mr. Wolfe was gone. Protesters said the president’s responses to their complaints were not strong enough or swift enough. There were also highly charged clashes recently over the rights of graduate student teaching assistants, and over access to abortion and the university’s relationship with Planned Parenthood.
And Butler’s hunger strike prompted black members of the football team to walk off.
His protest got a boost from the decision by African American athletes to boycott games until Wolfe no longer leads the university — a move which drew backing from their white teammates along with Coach Gary Pinkel and prompted the cancellation of football practice.
Well, that pretty much sealed the deal, once the football team got involved. Football is the single-biggest revenue generator for unversities (they lose money on most other sports). It is important to note that the football team, despite the coach’s support, was not united in this decision. But it was too late. The university was in full-out revolt, and Wolfe was the scapegoat.
History Department's Statement in Support of Mizzou Students
— History at Mizzou (@HistoryatMizzou) November 9, 2015
So despite Wolfe’s refusal to resign Sunday, by Monday he was standing at a podium.
So now that Jonathan Butler has Tim Wolfe’s job and reputation on a platter, what happens next?
The social justice warriors got Wolfe to resign. I hope that they are happy. Whether they get a racial tension-free campus now is a whole different question. In the meantime, parents should be paying attention and taking the University of Missouri off their lists. Let the social justice warriors reap what they have sown. Between this and the ongoing Yale drama, conservatives would be smart to reconsider what form of higher education they choose to support with their dollars and their children.
Of course no whites will be interviewed for the replacement president.
I have a daughter in engineering school. She calls these kids “precious snowflakes.” I guess that’s racist.
Perhaps they should be called just ‘flakes’?
i think the college head should have stood his ground. Who knows what else they think they can get away with.
After reading and listening to news reports about this, it’s still unclear just what, exactly, President Wolfe did – or didn’t do – to warrant getting canned.
Three things, however, do seem clear –
(1) ‘The Aggrieved’ have found a new weapon in their fight for Social Justice, namely the power of Big Money College Sports. Football is such a money-maker for colleges that the threat of the black players on the football team boycotting games until he was fired would have cost the university millions of dollars. (Just for the record, this is not my original idea. I am paraphrasing from today’s Rush program.) Watch for this to happen again.
(2) All those radicals who infiltrated their brand of revolution into the Groves of Academe over the last 30 years have created a monster that is now turning on them. Remember Mao’s Cultural Revolution? People would be called out for some thought crime, and they would have to make a groveling self-criticism before their fellow revolutionaries. If they were not sufficiently humble, they would be exiled to the re-education camp. The rush to be a ‘more-holy-than-thou’ SJW (Social Justice Warrior) is to prevent being labeled as a ‘Running Dog Capitalist, Racist, Sexist Lackey.’
(3) The general public of tuition-paying parents is starting to wake up to the fact that our over-priced colleges are (1) not giving value for money, and (2) actively encouraging their children to murder them in their middle-class beds.