Trust Fund Kids Disavow Capitalism

Trust Fund Kids Disavow Capitalism

Trust Fund Kids Disavow Capitalism

Trust fund kids have decided that capitalism is bad. Therefore, they are going to give away all their money. The money which they have because their parents/grandparents/great-grandparents benefitted from that oppressive system called capitalism. 

“Lately, Sam Jacobs has been having a lot of conversations with his family’s lawyers. He’s trying to gain access to more of his $30 million trust fund. At 25, he’s hit the age when many heirs can blow their money on harebrained businesses or a stable of sports cars. He doesn’t want to do that, but by wealth management standards, his plan is just as bad. He wants to give it all away.

“I want to build a world where someone like me, a young person who controls tens of millions of dollars, is impossible,” he said.

A socialist since college, Mr. Jacobs sees his family’s “extreme, plutocratic wealth” as both a moral and economic failure. He wants to put his inheritance toward ending capitalism, and by that he means using his money to undo systems that accumulate money for those at the top, and that have played a large role in widening economic and racial inequality.”

He isn’t the alone in this.  Rachel Gelman an anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and abolitionist, plans to give away her wealth because she can’t disconnect her wealth from the economic legacies of indigenous genocide and slavery. If she has such a problem with that, then she needs to move someplace that wasn’t originally indigenous land. Oh wait, ALL land across the world has had some type of indigenous ancestry to it. Maybe she needs to move to another planet? Or do aliens count as indigenous peoples?

Pierce Delahunt, with all of his pronouns, is likely enjoying living large while virtue signaling by donating $10,000 a month to deserving organizations.

Meanwhile Emma Thomas is all about economic solidarity.

“To Ms. Thomas, the prospect of contributing to a solidarity economy is a refreshingly tangible expression of her values, compared to the abstraction of accumulating portfolio returns. “At some point, these numbers on a screen are imaginary,” she said. “But what’s not imaginary is whether you have shelter, food and a community. Those are true returns.””

Also, higher taxes will help everyone gain economic solidarity.

All of this has been ginned up for the last few years by a group calling themselves the Resource Generation. A group that is all about politically correct wealth redistribution. 

  • Return the Wealth — Redistribute all inherited wealth and/or excess income
  • Escalate Your Redistribution — Turn up the heat on your giving!
  • Begin to Spend Down — and Spend Into Movements.
  • Say No to Making Wealth off of Wealth — Redistribute all capital gains to social justice movements! Give around 7% of your total assets annually.
  • Start the Journey — Give between 1% and 7% of your assets annually.

Those are the RG’s giving guidelines. Yes, it’s real.

So, about those giving guidelines. Who are the organizations these socialist marxist minded trust fund kids supposed to donate their wealth to?

You guessed it. 

Anything and everything affiliated with Occupy Wall Street

Green New Deal meets their criteria

Black Lives Matter and Movement for Black Lives? Check

Protestor Bail Funding? Quite likely

Gender justice organizations? Absolutely

Anti ICE organizations? You bet

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

These trust fund kiddies are planning to give away ALL their wealth in order to rid themselves of the burden of having gotten wealthy off the backs of the poor and oppressed all over this country. None of the organizations listed above do anything to help the marginalized in the communities. None of those organizations that RG talks about do anything to actively lift anyone out of poverty. 

Why not engage in donating your money directly to food banks? Why not donate your money directly to organizations that seek to put people to work in their communities? Those organizations are on the wrong side politically I guess.

Instead trust fund kiddies join with Resource Generation and give away their money to politically correct causes. LEFTIST causes. Several of those causes that, for the last six-eight months have been engaged in burning down, looting, and destroying small businesses right and left. 

Are the trust fund kiddos donating to organizations that will loan those businesses the money to clean up the disaster the protestors left behind? Are they donating to funds and organizations that will help those businesses get back on their feet so they can reopen and rehire employees? Are they donating to restaurant funds or tipping extra large to the restaurants, and wait staff that are skating on razor thin edges to ruin because of this Covid virus crap? Are they donating to hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice organizations? 

I would be willing to be the answers to those questions are a resounding NO.

Meanwhile, what happens when all their money is gone and it’s THEY that suddenly find out being poor isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? Will Resource Generation fund their lives? Not a chance.

Feature Photo Credit: Mediamodifier via Pixabay, cropped and modified

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  • Hate_me says:

    Pretty sure they’ll keep enough to live decent lives above the real issues normal people have to face… maybe not $30m-rich… but condo-rich. Or at least a spacious studio, with a 6-figure income from whatever charity they develop.

    All animals are equal….

  • Cameron says:

    I’m happy to accept their money and absolve them of their sins. But I’m a nice guy.

  • GWB says:

    “I want to build a world where someone like me, a young person who controls tens of millions of dollars, is impossible,” he said.
    Well, you’ll never achieve that. You’ll just ensure that you and any non-elites will never control that money. (Guess who controls all the very well-endowed lefty charities you’re going to donate to?)

  • GWB says:

    Start the Journey — Give between 1% and 7% of your assets annually.
    See? Their church requires (almost) tithing, too!

    Why not donate your money directly to organizations that seek to put people to work in their communities?
    Or, I don’t know, maybe START A FRIGGIN’ BUSINESS? You know to EMPLOY PEOPLE and thereby give them wealth and worth? Or would that be “exploiting” those workers?

    What knobs.

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  • rbj1 says:

    ““I want to build a world where someone like me, a young person who controls tens of millions of dollars, is impossible,” he said.”

    If you don’t want that money, fine. If it assuages whatever guilt you feel, great. But why are you wanting to control what other people do?

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