Trump MSG Event Was Not “Full of Nazis”

Trump MSG Event Was Not “Full of Nazis”

Trump MSG Event Was Not “Full of Nazis”

The panicking leftist media sheep are going all-out with a last-ditch Trump-Nazi narrative.

I am here to tell you that the Madison Square Garden madness was not what they are saying it is. Last Sunday, my husband and I jumped off our cruise ship to head into Midtown Manhattan for a spell. With our sea legs and a bit of disorientation on what date/day it was, we half-joked about stumbling upon the Trump rally and, indeed, we did.

The streets corners were lined with Trump t-shirts, hats, flags, bobbleheads, you name it-the vendors had attendees and passers-by covered. The local souvenir shops had their share of pro-Trump paraphernalia as well. We were hard-pressed to find anything Kamala Harris-related. There were no people getting off large busses to get to the rally. There were lines upon lines-wrapped around Madison Square Garden-a sea of red.

The arguments from the left are weak at best. Why was this a Nazi rally? Well, because, Hitler held a similar rally at MSG in 1939.

Donald Trump’s got this big rally going at Madison Square Garden. There’s a direct parallel to a big rally that happened in the mid 1930s at Madison Square Garden. And don’t think that he doesn’t know for one second exactly what they’re doing there.”-Tim Walz

That rally happened in 1939, Mr. Walz, so, actually, the LATE 1930s but, hell, no one is fact-checking Madden Fudd.

From our observations on Sunday afternoon, Trump DOES know what he is doing. He is needling the liberals the best way he knows how: by packing an iconic arena in a notoriously blue city. This bothers the Democrats and it should. Will New York go red on Tuesday? It is doubtful but the crowd at MSG was YUUUUGE. We had a little bit of hope when we arrived in New York a week prior and saw my aunt’s hometown in Long Island. Trump flags everywhere. The left has hit the point of desperation for sure.

MSNBC’s Mika and Baby Girl, AOC, along them, will continue to throw out the Nazi narrative:

AOC may have been killed seven times had she shown up there.

There were no Nazi flags outside of Madison Square Garden on Sunday. There were no idiot skinheads making their rounds in the streets of New York. You know what we saw? Latino “Nazis”, Black “Nazis”, Korean “Nazis”, Indian “Nazis”, Jewish “Nazis”, Palestinian “Nazis”, young “Nazis”, old “Nazis”, woman “Nazis”, whole “Nazi” families, right down to the little, bitty, baby “Nazis” who don’t even know they are “Nazis” yet.

Oh, if only the Democrats could exterminate us all!

Slate had their take:

The attendees, too, fill the same archetypes they always have. There are the middle-aged white men, Trump’s bread and butter, who spent much of the afternoon repeating sexist rhetoric about ‘Tampon Tim’ or how Harris can’t be trusted with the nuclear codes while she goes through menopause. There were young, beautiful white women in pink ‘Make America Sexxxy’ hats, lips plumped to the point of perma-puckering. There were more people of color than you could ever expect. Bible-thumpers, anti-communists, NRA members; a woman rocked her daughter side to side, holding an anti-Harris sign, while the crowd chanted ‘U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!’ It would be fair to feel shocked, but not to feel surprised.”-Scaachi Koul, Slate

Scaachi? Were you on the same planet on Sunday? And, since when, are anti-communists a bad thing?

Yes, read between the lines there. There were more people of color than you could ever expect. There were Korean-Americans marching peacefully on the sidewalks who were pro-Trump. There were two, young, black women I observed, who emphatically told an incredulous interviewer that they will be casting their ballots for the (shudder) “Bad Orange Man” next Tuesday. There were vendors-of all ethnic backgrounds-who traveled and slept in their cars-to get to the rally. There was no violence. We sat on the steps and watched as a truck blaring “MAGA Girl” (to the tune of Van Morrison’s Brown-Eyed Girl) creeped slowly down 8th Avenue. This is America. Full of, who the left likes to call, “Nazis”. If there were fights, we did not see any. Most of the attendees were in great spirits.

As the crowds grew greater, we both grabbed a few t-shirts (my fave: a “McTrumpin'” tee depicting Trump serving up french fries) to shove in our backpacks and it was time for us to depart to catch our plane back to the left coast. One young, pro-communist-punk rolled by us and called us “blind sheep” and I bleated loudly. I wanted to congratulate him for waking up so early on a Sunday morning (it was 1:00pm).

We felt an air of hope on that New York day. It is no wonder the left wants to squash this momentum and distract the American people from it. Those seats in The Garden would never be filled if the Harris-Walz campaign decided to follow up with a similar event. They are just jealous that, without someone like Beyonce to stump for killing babies, Kamala Harris could not pull this off.

The Trump Train barrelled into Penn Station in an epic New York troll and we were there for that party. The media will continue to spin the Nazi tales and Kamala Harris’ focus in the next week will be on Abortion-ahem-“Reproductive Rights“. A “winning issue“.

If I were Kamala, I would be shaking in my boots right now and seriously thinking about my life choices. Hey, at least she was born to have the liberty to make them.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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