Tim Walz Is The VEEP Who Let Minneapolis Burn

Tim Walz Is The VEEP Who Let Minneapolis Burn

Tim Walz Is The VEEP Who Let Minneapolis Burn

Well, it’s Tim Walz for VEEP. The erstwhile Governor of Minnesota was chosen for his “chemistry” with Kamala.

“The time they spent together when Walz was campaigning for reelection in 2022, and when they visited the abortion clinic in March this year, apparently made a big impact. Then on top of that, the Harris campaign, like all of us, saw how energizing Walz was for the base. They saw how popular he is in Minnesota after passing a historic, progressive agenda here. The vetting on Walz went extremely well. So like people are saying, kind of a Goldilocks situation. Every element was just right,” the source said.

What kind of record does he have? He’s so pro-abortion that even Nancy Pelosi asked him to tone it down. But that extremism is on brand for him. Why else would Kamala have campaigned from a Minnesota abortion clinic a few months ago?

Oh wait! I know, it’s those amazing electric buses! Walz is all in on the Green New Deal. Never mind the fact that energy costs in Minnesota are skyrocketing, wind and solar must be mandated by unsustainable taxpayer funded subsidies.

Walz signed away Minnesota’s energy future by locking us into a renewable energy mandate that is driving up electricity costs in the pursuit of unmeasurable climate change goals. Running an energy grid with weather-based, intermittent energy sources, as called for in Walz’s 2023 renewable energy mandate is causing massive price increases and will ultimately lead to blackouts.

It’s the neighborly thing to do.

Let’s take a quick gander at his record on Covid. He shut down the state on March 25, 2020 and didn’t fully reopen the state until July, 2021. No, that’s not a typo, that’s the timeline. Over 800,000 jobs disappeared due to his 104+ Covid mandates. His OWN record concerning nursing home deaths is nearly as bad as Cuomo’s. 

When the issue of nursing home fatalities became impossible to ignore, the Walz administration promulgated a “5-point battle plan” to address it. Acknowledging the focus of the crisis in long-term-care facilities, Commissioner Malcolm announced the “battle plan” on May 7. She summarized the plan in 15 Power-Point slides. One can only wonder why it came so late. And since the issuance of the “battle plan,” long-term care facility deaths have continued to represent around 80 percent of all deaths, week after week after week. This is an obvious failure that rests largely with the Governor.

On May 19, well after deaths in long-term care had come to dominate the fatality data in Minnesota, Chris Serres reported in the Star Tribune that the Minnesota Department of Health had evacuated COVID-19 patients from hospitals to nursing homes early in the epidemic. “Minnesota hospitals have since discharged dozens of infected patients to nursing homes, including facilities that have undergone large and deadly outbreaks of the disease, state records show.”

Not only that, but his mandates turned people into tattletale snitches. 

At the same time he was implementing draconian lockdowns, George Floyd happened. What did Walz do? Nothing, for DAYS. 

He refused to call in the National Guard, labeling them as ’19 year old cooks,’ until a police precinct was set on fire.

And then yammered about DEI while the ‘fiery but mostly peaceful’ riots were taking place. 

The damage was in the billions. What did Walz do after that? Ordered a moment of silence for a crack-addled, fentanyl-riddled criminal the day of the funeral service in Texas. One of FOUR funerals mind you. 

As a reminder, Kamala’s donation request to the progressive Minnesota bail fund is still up. 

Keep in mind, this is the very same guy who, just weeks ago was telling the world that Joe Biden is going nowhere and it was just a ‘bad day at the office debate.’ 

When one actually looks at his track record as Governor, there’s a metric ton of negatives. Crime has skyrocketed, student achievement is in the ditch, Minnesota’s GDP has cratered, and the number of people LEAVING the state is nearly on par with California’s. 

Never mind those pesky details. It’s the first day of school and start of a journey to become unburdened by what has been! 

“I’m all in. Vice President Harris is showing us the politics of what’s possible. It reminds me a bit of the first day of school,” Walz wrote in a social media post Tuesday morning, referring to his background as a former high school teacher. “So, let’s get this done, folks!”

As Kamala and Walz gallivant around the country while avoiding interviews and refusing to schedule press conferences, voters need to be made aware of his record. It’s not pretty. 

Tim Walz locked down Minnesota, yet stood by for days and let Minneapolis burn during the George Floyd riots. Its a safe bet he’d absolutely advocate for the same as VEEP. 

Feature Photo Credit: Minneapolis Police 3rd precinct burning during George Floyd Riots, via Wikimedia Commons cropped and modified

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  • Cameron says:

    “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

    San Augusto de Valraraiso de los Helicopteros, pray for us in our time of need.

  • GWB says:

    “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
    Right there is the Progressive lie in a nutshell.

    My neighborliness is love for my neighbor.
    Love is me helping my neighbor pay for the new tires he needs to drive his car for work.
    Socialism is the neighborhood deciding everyone will pitch in $50 each to buy him new tires. Regardless of whether you agree.
    Communism is the HOA President deciding everyone will contribute $50 each and collecting it via a couple of thugs.
    Fascism is the HOA President telling the tire shop they’d dang well better give my neighbor 4 free tires, then taking $50 from everyone anyway and using it to try and acquire the unincorporated neighborhood next door.
    The Mafia is the HOA President going to the tire shop and buying a few extra tires and letting the shop owner know that he’d best give my neighbor a really good deal on tires or nobody will be buying their tires there, ever again. Then coming around the neighborhood with thugs to sell those extra tires they bought – regardless of their suitability for your vehicle.

  • Scott says:

    “The time they spent together when Walz was campaigning for reelection in 2022, and when they visited the abortion clinic in March this year, apparently made a big impact. “… Ain’t that sweet.. they bonded over infanticide… Do we really need more proof that the left is evil???
    Don’t forget, he also lied about his military service, abandoned his troops when they were set to deploy to a war zone, and has shit all over military oath with his support of the unconstitutional lockdowns and gun control..
    As if it wasn’t important enough to defeat Kamala before, it should be horribly clear now! Vote, get your friends to vote, make sure EVERYONE knows what’s at stake.. and PREPARE!

    • GWB says:

      And don’t assume that, because you didn’t see any “mostly peaceful” riots in your town in 2020, that you are going to be fine and dandy in 2024/5. What of the things you need come through a bottleneck that blue forces can interdict with their stupidity?

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