McCain Returns To Senate To Vote On Something, Anything Health Care [VIDEO]

McCain Returns To Senate To Vote On Something, Anything Health Care [VIDEO]

The GOP leadership is desperate to get some kind of Obamacare repeal plan passed through the Senate. Senator John McCain, whose sad diagnosis of brain cancer was…

Chaos In Venezuela Leading Up To Symbolic Vote [VIDEO]

Chaos In Venezuela Leading Up To Symbolic Vote [VIDEO]

Venezuela, the socialist paradise, is an absolute wreck. Years of control by dictators like Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro have turned the country into a slow-motion starving…

Puerto Rico Wants Statehood… Or Does It? [VIDEO]

Puerto Rico Wants Statehood… Or Does It? [VIDEO]

If you look at just the vote totals, it could seem overwhelming. In the vote for statehood, 97% of Puerto Rico voters who cast a ballot voted…

Congratulations to New Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch [VIDEO]

Congratulations to New Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch [VIDEO]

After the parliamentary drama earlier this week with the exercising of the “nuclear option” – or, as we should really call it, the “Reid option,” because it…

#Gorsuch: Cloture Has Failed, Nuking Imminent [VIDEO]

#Gorsuch: Cloture Has Failed, Nuking Imminent [VIDEO]

The Democrats have cast 41 votes to avoid cloture, and the Senate is about to go nuclear. Again. Outcome of the initial cloture vote was 55-45; 4…

Using the Nuclear Option: What Is It and How Does It Work? [VIDEO]

Using the Nuclear Option: What Is It and How Does It Work? [VIDEO]

While Judge Neil Gorsuch has moved out of the Judiciary Committee and is headed for a Senate confirmation vote this week, the Democrats and Republicans are also…

Democrats Get Advice On Abortion, But They Won’t Listen [VIDEO]

Democrats Get Advice On Abortion, But They Won’t Listen [VIDEO]

In a New York Times op-ed piece, Thomas Groome, a professor at Boston College, gives the Democrats some free advice on how, from a Catholic perspective, their…

Cabinet Picks Mattis and Kelly Are Confirmed And Sworn In [VIDEO]

Cabinet Picks Mattis and Kelly Are Confirmed And Sworn In [VIDEO]

The Senate has finally held confirmation votes for two of Trump’s Cabinet picks – James Mattis for Secretary of Defense, and John Kelly for Secretary of Homeland…

When Voting, Why Not Write In Mike Pence? [VIDEO]

When Voting, Why Not Write In Mike Pence? [VIDEO]

The election is only 20 days away. Early voting has begun in some states, and others are about to receive their mail ballots very soon. We all…

Down Ticket Races: Your Vote, Your Voice, The Future Of Our Republic Does Matter [VIDEOS]

Down Ticket Races: Your Vote, Your Voice, The Future Of Our Republic Does Matter [VIDEOS]

This election cycle is, quite frankly, vomit inducing. Never has it been more obvious that the media is in the tank for the Democrats, and that the…

No, Japan Is Not Reverting to Fascism

National elections were held in Japan this week, with the Liberal Democratic Party winning a two-thirds majority in the House of Councillors of the National Diet (the…

GOP Chaos As Establishment Falls In Line For Trump, Demands Unity

GOP Chaos As Establishment Falls In Line For Trump, Demands Unity

Last I checked, Donald Trump still has not reached the requisite number of delegates to actually win the Republican nomination. However, with all other opponents having suspended…

Too Bad Trump Supporters, GOP, Fox: I Still Will Not Vote for Trump.

Too Bad Trump Supporters, GOP, Fox: I Still Will Not Vote for Trump.

Sorry, GOP. Too bad, so sad, Trump acolytes. You don’t own me or my vote. You cannot guilt me into voting for Donald Trump. If some of you…

Trump Is The Likely Nominee – Now What?

Trump Is The Likely Nominee – Now What?

Judging by the comments that I’ve seen scattered all over Facebook and on other blog posts and news articles, I’m not the only person dismayed and stunned…

Brazil In Turmoil Over Vote To Impeach Its President

Brazil In Turmoil Over Vote To Impeach Its President

Brazil is going through a massive political shakeup, and it will end up affecting us in the United States. Its president, Dilma Rousseff, was formally impeached by…

Trump Rally Proves Cult Of Personality (VIDEO)

It’s really hard to not go Godwin when a picture like this appears. But it seems that we have little choice. @jpodhoretz — Marty Fischer (@MartyFischer70)…

Saudi Women Get To Vote And Get Elected

It was a historic and overdue moment in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, when women were finally allowed to vote in their very first election. Though elections are…

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Ava Gardner