House Judiciary Committee Votes For Impeachment

House Judiciary Committee Votes For Impeachment

It’s official. On a party-line vote, the House Judiciary Committee has voted to send the two proposed articles of impeachment to the full House for a vote.

Mazie Hirono’s Constitutional Brilliance: Women And Blacks Will Lose Right To Vote

Mazie Hirono’s Constitutional Brilliance: Women And Blacks Will Lose Right To Vote

Mazie Hirono (D-HI) is absolutely brilliant at making herself look like a fool. Yesterday she informed Ninth Circuit nominee Lawrence VanDyke that his Constitutional originalism means women…

Bernie Sanders Desperately Wants The Criminal Vote

Bernie Sanders Desperately Wants The Criminal Vote

Bernie Sanders wants every vote he can get. Even the criminals deserve to check that box for him on Election Day! Hence his cutesy little op-ed in…

House Democrats Dump Constitution In Favor Of Giving Illegals Right To Vote

House Democrats Dump Constitution In Favor Of Giving Illegals Right To Vote

The House Democrats have been on an ugly roll in the last few weeks. Not only did they give Ilhan Omar a token slap on the wrist,…

Texas GOP Squashes Bigotry In Its Own Ranks

Texas GOP Squashes Bigotry In Its Own Ranks

A vile slur and a massive crisis has been averted in Texas, where the Tarrant County GOP rejected an effort to remove a vice-chairman of the party…

Plans from the kinder, gentler Democrats

Plans from the kinder, gentler Democrats

There are a number of reasons to get out and vote in Tuesday’s mid-term election. The economic upswing we’ve seen under the Trump Administration is one. The…

Cruz vs O’Rourke: State Interests or Hollywood Glitz?

Cruz vs O’Rourke: State Interests or Hollywood Glitz?

It’s been awhile since Texas has seen a Senate race like the one between Senator Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke. It is more than a choice between…

McConnell Calls Out Democrats, Announces Vote

McConnell Calls Out Democrats, Announces Vote

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been pretty rock-solid during this entire confirmation process. With the seventh FBI background check now complete, the Democrats have decided to…

Flake Throws Wrench At Confirmation Hearing

Flake Throws Wrench At Confirmation Hearing

Yes, Judge Brett Kavanaugh has managed to finally be voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee for a vote by the full Senate. The vote depended on…

Pass The Popcorn: Trey Gowdy Roasts The DOJ [VIDEO]

Pass The Popcorn: Trey Gowdy Roasts The DOJ [VIDEO]

This is what I am really going to miss about Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, when he leaves the House after this year’s midterm elections. I…

Cutting The UN Where It Hurts – The Budget [VIDEO]

Cutting The UN Where It Hurts – The Budget [VIDEO]

While most everything and everyone was closing down on Christmas Eve, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley (who we really, really admire here) announced that the United States would…

Nikki Haley, Iron Lady of the 21st Century [VIDEO]

Nikki Haley, Iron Lady of the 21st Century [VIDEO]

There have been few better choices that Donald Trump made than making Nikki Haley ambassador to the United Nations. Since she took the job, she’s shown exactly…



Dear members of the UN Security Council: After you decided to attempt to humiliate and insult the United States in the wake of our decision to recognize…

Alabama, You Make The Call [VIDEO]

Alabama, You Make The Call [VIDEO]

The special election in Alabama for the Senate is tomorrow. Nearly everyone in the country has an opinion about this election. However, 49/50ths of Americans don’t get…

Vlogger Candace Owens Tells Some Truths [VIDEO]

Vlogger Candace Owens Tells Some Truths [VIDEO]

Do you have a few minutes to spare? Then grab a Christmas cookie and sit down and watch vlogger (video blogger) Candace Owens talk about how the…

Detroit Plans A Rally FOR John Conyers [VIDEO]

Detroit Plans A Rally FOR John Conyers [VIDEO]

The headline is not a joke. A group of Michigan Democrats, church leaders, and NAACP members are planning a rally of support at a Detroit church today…

China Tries Being Firm With North Korea After UN Sanctions Vote [VIDEO]

China Tries Being Firm With North Korea After UN Sanctions Vote [VIDEO]

China has decided to try the stick instead of the carrot with Kim Jong-un. But the tactic of “get back to that table and finish your carrots,…

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Ava Gardner