Despite the American press absolutely losing their minds over North Korea’s Goebbels Girl, Vice President Mike Pence apparently carried on despite getting the stink-eye from the dictator’s…
Normally, when you hear a soundbite incorporating the words “California” and “secession,” your mind immediately jumps to the idea of California liberals seceding from the U.S., right?…
Remember the so-called “Muslim travel ban” that the press and the courts were having kittens over until the Supreme Court ruled? Well, its 90 days are up,…
If you haven’t heard already, North Korea tested another nuke, and seismic stations, both nearby and worldwide, registered the blast. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, which…
If North Korea truly did set off a hydrogen bomb underground, and then felt like bragging about it to the world, then the United Nations is at…
The threat that North Korea’s missile and nuclear buildup poses is very real whether many so-called policy wonks, yes I’m looking at you Ben Rhodes and at…
Hola, all! I’m Marta Hernandez, and we need to have a chat about terrorism. Seems like every month we hear about swine-humping ISIS adherents launching attacks on…
The news on Friday that North Korea had shot off another ICBM that landed in Japanese territorial waters was not good news for anyone. The distance on…
Little Charlie Gard will not live to his first birthday on August 4th. His parents acquiesced to the British government yesterday, and announced that they wouldn’t be…
The State of Fear that is emanating from the climate change alarmists right now is one for the books. I don’t think any Las Vegas bookie could’ve…
Many were not happy about last week’s White House visit of Turkish President Erdogan and with good reason. Google Turkey, coup, and crackdowns to get an idea…
While the world is paying close attention to Syria, Russia, and violence around the globe, Kim Jong-un wants to make sure that he’s getting all the special…
While the media cycle furiously churns about Trump pointing the finger for wiretapping at Obama and his administration, North Korea decided to shoot off a few missiles….
The wall will be built by hook or by crook as the saying goes. And it seems that President Trump is determined to make it so. President…
With Inauguration Day landing on a Friday, and all of the pomp and ceremony to go with it, followed by a weekend, the real work for the…
Once again, Obama just cannot help himself. The entirety of his last press conference of the year and his presidency, was such that even members of the…
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