Joe’s Security Clearance Is CANCELLED And That’s A Very Good Thing

Joe’s Security Clearance Is CANCELLED And That’s A Very Good Thing

Late Friday afternoon, President Trump dropped this little gem to Joe Biden on Truth Social. Joe’s security clearance is CANCELLED.

Hunter Biden Attends White House Meetings With Joe

Hunter Biden Attends White House Meetings With Joe

No, that’s not a joke. It turns out that for at least a week (that we know of) Hunter Biden has been sitting in on meetings with…

Arrest Raises More Questions Than Answers About Pentagon Leak

Arrest Raises More Questions Than Answers About Pentagon Leak

Yesterday an arrest was made concerning the Pentagon leak. It’s an arrest that has given rise to more questions than answers.

The Pentagon Leak Is Really Bad, So Is Government’s Response

The Pentagon Leak Is Really Bad, So Is Government’s Response

A major leak from the Pentagon finally hit the news over the weekend. The leak itself is bad enough, REALLY bad. Especially given the information leaked is…

Ex-CIA Spy Arrested For Selling U.S. Secrets To China

Ex-CIA Spy Arrested For Selling U.S. Secrets To China

The news of an ex-CIA spy getting arrested and charged for espionage this afternoon isn’t going to set well with all those Democrats who think China is…

Lovebird Journalism Is Why The Media Has No Credibility [VIDEO]

Lovebird Journalism Is Why The Media Has No Credibility [VIDEO]

Just a few short days ago we wrote about James Wolfe’s indictment. He had been the Senate Intelligence Committee Security Director for years and was found to…

DOJ Arrests Senate Intel Security Director Who Leaked Classified Info To NY Times Reporter [VIDEO]

DOJ Arrests Senate Intel Security Director Who Leaked Classified Info To NY Times Reporter [VIDEO]

The Senate Intelligence Committee, which oversees the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency, is one of the most secure groups in Congress. As Security Director, James…

Ronny Jackson And The VA Nomination: There Are No Winners Here [VIDEO]

Ronny Jackson And The VA Nomination: There Are No Winners Here [VIDEO]

White House physician, Ronny Jackson, withdrew his nomination as VA Secretary this morning. I’ll admit, I was skeptical of the nomination because I wasn’t sure his experience…

ABC News Conducts Fawning Interview with Traitor Chelsea Manning [VIDEO]

ABC News Conducts Fawning Interview with Traitor Chelsea Manning [VIDEO]

Chelsea Manning left Ft. Leavenworth prison last month. But if you thought she would go quietly, you were wrong. ABC News held an interview with the traitor who…

Reality Bites: Where Was the Extreme Vetting for NSA Leaker Reality Winner? [VIDEO]

Reality Bites: Where Was the Extreme Vetting for NSA Leaker Reality Winner? [VIDEO]

President Trump wants “extreme vetting” for Middle East refugees who want to enter the United States. But where the hell is the “extreme vetting” for contractors who…

DOJ Charges Fed Contractor, Reality Winner, With Leaking Classified Intel To Media [VIDEO]

DOJ Charges Fed Contractor, Reality Winner, With Leaking Classified Intel To Media [VIDEO]

The probe regarding Russia’s supposed hacking of last year’s election just got murkier. First, The Intercept caused heads to spin and twitterverse to hyperventilate just a bit…

Obama Sticks It To U.S. Military, Commutes Nearly All Of Chelsea Manning’s Sentence [VIDEO]

Obama Sticks It To U.S. Military, Commutes Nearly All Of Chelsea Manning’s Sentence [VIDEO]

Obama is really on a roll. This time he’s flipping the bird to anyone and everyone who has and is serving in the U.S. Military. President Obama…

House Cleaning 101: Hillary Clinton’s Maid Had FULL ACCESS To Top Secret Docs [VIDEOS]

House Cleaning 101: Hillary Clinton’s Maid Had FULL ACCESS To Top Secret Docs [VIDEOS]

Maid of all work. No job is too big, too small, or too classified to handle. Hillary Clinton will coerce anyone into doing her work for her….

State Depart Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails For Two More Years [VIDEOS]

State Depart Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails For Two More Years [VIDEOS]

Why is the State Department protecting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation? What are they hiding? Those are just a few of the questions being asked far…

Hillary Email Bombshell: Some Emails So Top Secret, They Can’t Be Released

There is finally confirmation coming out from the State Department of what has been reported – that Hillary Clinton’s homebrew server contained highly classified information. In fact,…

Hillary Unconcerned About Emails, But Staff Could Be In Trouble

Hillary Unconcerned About Emails, But Staff Could Be In Trouble

The queen is not to be bothered by the peasants’ clamoring for such petty trifles like “the rule of law.” If Hillary Clinton says she didn’t send…

Hillary’s Email Scandal Headed Toward Breaking Point

Hillary’s Email Scandal Headed Toward Breaking Point

Hillary Clinton has had a no-good, very bad week. Even the Washington Post is noting that this is beginning to be deja vu all over again for…

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Ava Gardner