Trump Vice Presidential Sweepstakes: Who Is On The List?

Trump Vice Presidential Sweepstakes: Who Is On The List?

In the tradition of the best reality TV shows, we won’t actually know who Donald Trump will choose for vice president until the Republican National Convention in July.

Elizabeth Warren Won’t Be Lectured By McConnell On Fairness

Elizabeth Warren Won’t Be Lectured By McConnell On Fairness

Oh my stars and garters! Senator Elizabeth Warren has proclaimed that she won’t be lectured by Minority (Forever) Leader Mitch McConnell on fairness when it comes to…

Enes Kanter Backhands China Over Peng Shuai

Enes Kanter Backhands China Over Peng Shuai

Where is Peng Shuai? A lot of people are asking. High profile folks at that. This time it’s Enes Kanter with his powerful op-ed.

Navy Secretary Hearing After Damaging Report Released

Navy Secretary Hearing After Damaging Report Released

One year ago this week, the LHD-6 Bonhomme Richard caught fire in the San Diego Harbor. It took four days to fully extinguish the fire and the…

Facebook No Longer Calls Lab Leak Theory Crackpot

Facebook No Longer Calls Lab Leak Theory Crackpot

Did you ever post an article on Facebook which posited that Covid came from that Wuhan lab? Chances are good that FB yanked it, its gang of…

Intelligence Report: Yep, Covid Came From Wuhan Lab

Intelligence Report: Yep, Covid Came From Wuhan Lab

There’s been lots of recent chatter about the origins of Covid-19. But House Intelligence Committee Republicans think they have the answer — Covid came from a Wuhan…

Senator Tom Cotton Goes Full RINO On Election

Senator Tom Cotton Goes Full RINO On Election

On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the counting of the Electoral College votes in the 2020 Presidential Election. A good dozen Senators,…

Conspiracy Theories Abound Surrounding Coronavirus

Conspiracy Theories Abound Surrounding Coronavirus

There are so many mysteries about the coronavirus: where it came from, why it’s here, and what will happen. But as humans we want to fill in…

What if the nation got outraged over a lie? [VIDEO]

What if the nation got outraged over a lie? [VIDEO]

It wouldn’t be the first time. Democrat Dick “the Turban” Durbin (D-ildo, IL), whose claim that President Trump called certain countries “shitholes” in a private meeting, has…

Senator Tom Cotton’s Letter to Iran’s Leaders: Is He Right?

Senator Tom Cotton’s Letter to Iran’s Leaders: Is He Right?

The interwebz are all atwitter over a controversial open letter the newly-minted Senator Tom Cotton and 46 other GOP senators penned to the leadership in Iran regarding…

No One Died at the Watergate Hotel

It is now official – the special select committee is now in existence, and Representative Trey Gowdy will be chairing it.  The vote was 232 to 186,…

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Ava Gardner