DHS Comes Up With Sneaky WorkAround To Title 42

DHS Comes Up With Sneaky WorkAround To Title 42

The DHS is playing sneaky games. The expiration of Title 42 was halted by a federal judge a few days ago. Needless to say, the Biden Administration wasn’t pleased. And, it seems there is a new workaround.

Pivot! Fauci Says We Should Assess Our Own Risk

Pivot! Fauci Says We Should Assess Our Own Risk

Pivot! That’s what Fauci did this morning on ABC News. After two years of issuing dire warnings and mandating lockdowns, masks, testing, and vaccines forever, suddenly he’s…

OSHA Drops Private Employer Vaccine Mandate

OSHA Drops Private Employer Vaccine Mandate

It’s official. The private employer vaccine mandate that OSHA tried to implement is DOA. That announcement was quietly put into the Federal Register today, and will be…

Biden’s Covid Winter Plan Is Missing One Key Item

Biden’s Covid Winter Plan Is Missing One Key Item

Something, or I should say someone, is missing from Biden’s Winter Covid plan. Yesterday, Biden grandly stumbled through a speech outlining his newly rebooted, let’s do the…

Covid Vaccine Takes A Day Off

Covid Vaccine Takes A Day Off

Covid vaccines are an absolute must, unless it’s a federal holiday. Then, major vaccine sites are closed. 

Covid Testing And “Compliance Ambassadors”

Covid Testing And “Compliance Ambassadors”

Covid testing has ramped up around the country, particularly in Los Angeles.

Testing Is The Key, So Where Are The Tests?

Testing Is The Key, So Where Are The Tests?

Nearly every single elected official has made testing for COVID-19 the cornerstone of how we dig ourselves out of this moment. Governors have said it, the medical…

Media Says “Opening Up America Again” Guidelines Won’t Work

Media Says “Opening Up America Again” Guidelines Won’t Work

Guidelines titled “Opening Up America Again” were issued by the White House yesterday afternoon. And immediately the media quarterbacks rushed to their keyboards hair on fire and…

FDA Says Malaria Drug Hydroxychloroquine Approved For Covid-19 Patients

FDA Says Malaria Drug Hydroxychloroquine Approved For Covid-19 Patients

The FDA got out of its own regulatory way and has swiftly approved the use of the malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine. President Trump announced that it can be prescribed…

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Ava Gardner