Trump Makes Bizarre Abortion Comments [VIDEO]

Trump Makes Bizarre Abortion Comments [VIDEO]

Another day, another glaring example of how when Donald Trump flaps his lips he says nothing, nothing that constitutes a modicum of meaning. Trump, appearing in a…

Quote of the Day: Charlie Sykes Destroys Donald Trump With a Few Tough Questions

Quote of the Day: Charlie Sykes Destroys Donald Trump With a Few Tough Questions

Part of running for president means having a good team behind you, having a campaign staffed by people who know what they are doing and will keep…

Amanda Carpenter Fires Back at Gutter-Dwelling Trump Campaign Staff [VIDEOS]

Amanda Carpenter Fires Back at Gutter-Dwelling Trump Campaign Staff [VIDEOS]

I don’t know if Trump has some kind of sinister hold over his campaign staff, or if they have a congenital predisposition to sleaze, but they seem to enjoy…

National Enquirer Releases Sex Scandal Hit on Cruz

National Enquirer Releases Sex Scandal Hit on Cruz

The National Enquirer put out a story today that alleges that Ted Cruz has had multiple affairs. Now, because the Enquirer has been right at least a…

Quote of the Day: Donald Trump’s Horrifying #Brussels Statement

Quote of the Day: Donald Trump’s Horrifying #Brussels Statement

An ISIS attack in Brussels, Belgium has left the world shocked and in mourning. At least 34 people are dead after explosions went off in multiple locations…

Reality Bites Trump Supporters: Clinton Has Gotten More Primary Votes

Reality Bites Trump Supporters: Clinton Has Gotten More Primary Votes

On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal editorial board pointed out something that Donald Trump just didn’t want to hear: that despite his blustering over all the primary…

Marco Rubio Graciously Leaves Presidential Race [VIDEO]

Marco Rubio Graciously Leaves Presidential Race [VIDEO]

Marco Rubio has officially dropped out of the presidential race tonight after being soundly defeated by Donald Trump in Florida, Rubio’s home state. And he did so…

Could Black Lives Matter, Anti-Trump Protesters Hand Trump the Presidency?

Could Black Lives Matter, Anti-Trump Protesters Hand Trump the Presidency?

It’s a question asked in USA Today and it’s a good one. First, let’s remember the latest police officer whose life was senselessly taken two days ago:…

Ted Cruz Did Not Cave to the PC Police

Ted Cruz Did Not Cave to the PC Police

This statement by Ted Cruz is giving a lot of people an opportunity to express their opinion on how unlikeable he is – how despicable he is…

Ted Cruz Gets Official Chuck Norris Endorsement

Ted Cruz Gets Official Chuck Norris Endorsement

Ted Cruz has picked up endorsements from some pretty tough dudes. Last month, Lt. General Jerry Boykin, a retired Army Delta Force and Green Beret commander, endorsed Ted…

Cruz Has Momentum after Saturday’s Caucuses, Primaries

Cruz Has Momentum after Saturday’s Caucuses, Primaries

Is Ted Cruz starting to land enough punches to take out Donald Trump? Statistician Nate Silver of the website FiveThirtyEight tweeted this late in the day on Super Saturday:…

Watching the GOP Debate with Rafael Cruz [VIDEO]

Watching the GOP Debate with Rafael Cruz [VIDEO]

This has been a Ted Cruz week here in the Kansas City area, as the Kansas caucuses will be held Saturday. On Wednesday night, I attended a…

Quote of the Day: Trump vs. Hitler

Voters with a modicum of common sense are very, very worried right now. Right now, we’re barreling on a high-speed train heading straight for disaster, and the…

Quote of the Day: Trump Supporters and Willful Ignorance

Quote of the Day: Trump Supporters and Willful Ignorance

For any voter, there is a certain amount of ignorance necessary to stand behind their candidate. Anyone who supports Hillary will force themselves to ignore her many…

5 Reasons Donald Trump May Want to Skip Thursday’s FOX Debate [VIDEOS]

5 Reasons Donald Trump May Want to Skip Thursday’s FOX Debate [VIDEOS]

Donald Trump reportedly announced yesterday that he’ll hold a press conference from Florida following this evening’s Super Tuesday returns. No doubt words like “loser,” “leightweight (sic),” and…

#NeverTrump: Because He Refuses to Renounce Racists [VIDEOS]

#NeverTrump: Because He Refuses to Renounce Racists [VIDEOS]

Just when you thought Donald Trump couldn’t create a bigger s***storm than he already has, he shows up on ABC’s Meet the Press and tells Jake Tapper…

Trump: Getting Grilled in the Cuban Sandwich of Rubio and Cruz [videos]

Trump: Getting Grilled in the Cuban Sandwich of Rubio and Cruz [videos]

Over the weekend the “Cuban Sandwich,” comprised of Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, continued the tag team hits on Donald Trump in the waning days before…

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Ava Gardner