NBA Players Get To Virtue Signal On Jerseys

NBA Players Get To Virtue Signal On Jerseys

If we have learned anything over the last several months with the NBA, it’s that the leadership and the players love two things: money, and virtue signaling.

Fat Shaming is Okay If It’s Trump

Fat Shaming is Okay If It’s Trump

Nancy Pelosi is a bigot. Oh, I’m sure she would take great offense if anyone told her so. But on Monday night, Pelosi engaged in some fat…

Illinois Nazis Were at Chicago Rally Says Nurse

Illinois Nazis Were at Chicago Rally Says Nurse

On Friday, protestors swarmed the Thompson Center in Chicago to voice their anger with Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s shutdown of Illinois, which is to last through May. Naturally,…

CNN: Trying to Take the Fun Out of Super Bowl Sunday

CNN: Trying to Take the Fun Out of Super Bowl Sunday

On Super Bowl Sunday, Americans want to set aside politics and enjoy the biggest game of year. But leave it to CNN to be the killjoy, the…

WWI Film Triggers Whiny GQ Sex Writer

WWI Film Triggers Whiny GQ Sex Writer

The film 1917, set in World War I, has already won two Golden Globe awards, for best drama and best director. Now the WWI movie is in the Oscar…

Newsflash: Stephen King is a Coward

Newsflash: Stephen King is a Coward

I used to love Stephen King as a writer. I still consider It, Firestarter, and The Stand some of my favorite Stephen King novels. As a kid…

Wear an Offensive Costume and You Should Be Punished

Wear an Offensive Costume and You Should Be Punished

If you’re a college student who wants to be a bit edgy for Halloween, watch out. Because that “offensive” costume should bring on punishment, according to a…

NBA Bows To China: “Basketball Questions Only!”

NBA Bows To China: “Basketball Questions Only!”

Free speech, per the NBA’s social justice wokeness street cred has limits. Those limits aren’t dictated by our Constitution. Nope, those limits are dictated by China.

Dave Chappelle Gives Cancel Culture the Finger

Dave Chappelle Gives Cancel Culture the Finger

Dave Chappelle has been chafing tender, lavender-scented labia with his brand of brash, irreverent, offensive comedy for a long time. But given the ever-blossoming social justice stupidity,…

Criminals In San Francisco Are Now Classified As ‘Justice-Involved Persons’

Criminals In San Francisco Are Now Classified As ‘Justice-Involved Persons’

‘Justice-involved persons’ are today’s criminals. San Francisco, the city that Nancy Pelosi has represented for decades, has decided it isn’t woke enough. The new “logic” is as…

Farmers Market in Indiana Fears White Supremacy

Farmers Market in Indiana Fears White Supremacy

A farmers market is a weekend staple across America during the warm weather months. It’s a community spot where you can buy local produce, foods, and crafts…

Rachel Dolezal: Desperate for Attention and Relevance

Rachel Dolezal: Desperate for Attention and Relevance

Well, guess who crawled out from under her rock for some attention during Pride Month! Yep, Rachel Dolezal – the pathological liar and attention whore who set…

Paycheck Fairness Act Bad News For Women

Paycheck Fairness Act Bad News For Women

Since 1997, Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) has been introducing the Paycheck Fairness Act. In the early evening on March 27, 2019, the act finally passed the House…

Four Lessons Hollywood Still Hasn’t Learned And Won’t

Four Lessons Hollywood Still Hasn’t Learned And Won’t

The Academy Awards aired last night. Odds are you didn’t watch it. Hollywood has problems, and while they are good about lecturing everyone else, they can’t fix…

Joy Behar Faces the Social Justice Juggernaut

Joy Behar Faces the Social Justice Juggernaut

Oh, dear readers, this is sweet. Joy Behar, chief harpy and Trump-hater on The View, now has her own  blackface moment to account for. And so far, she hasn’t said…

Freddie Mercury and Toxic Masculinity

Freddie Mercury and Toxic Masculinity

When my husband and I were dating, back in the late 1970’s, Queen was the soundtrack of our courtship. We’d listen to Queen albums (vinyl, for you…

Starbucks’ Needle Disposal Boxes and Chai Latte

Starbucks’ Needle Disposal Boxes and Chai Latte

When next you are in Starbucks to get your morning Venti Latte Macchiato, you might want to avoid the bathroom. There may be a needle disposal box…

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Ava Gardner