Lizzie And Kamala Lose Vox And Slate Over Their Ferguson Lies

Lizzie And Kamala Lose Vox And Slate Over Their Ferguson Lies

When you lose Vox and Slate. It has been five years since Michael Brown died in Ferguson, Missouri. Presidential candidates Lizzie Warren and Kamala Harris decided it was high time  once again fan the flames of divisiveness in this country by lying.

Chelsea Clinton Whines About Planned Parenthood Money, But Forgets What They Say They Do [VIDEO]

Chelsea Clinton Whines About Planned Parenthood Money, But Forgets What They Say They Do [VIDEO]

Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter to whine about the Iowa legislature voting to defund Planned Parenthood. Behold, here she is in all her whiny glory. Thousands of…

Liberals Fail Reading Comprehension, Keep Beating Pence Story [VIDEO]

Liberals Fail Reading Comprehension, Keep Beating Pence Story [VIDEO]

If you have listened to any liberal “journalist” commentary over the last couple of days, Vice President Mike Pence is either a cuckoo religious nut, a raving…

Slate Went Full Stupid, Dissed America’s Embrace of Black Women in Music [VIDEOS]

Slate Went Full Stupid, Dissed America’s Embrace of Black Women in Music [VIDEOS]

Slate wrapped up the disastrous entertainment year of 2016 with a Full Stupid headline. So according to author Julianne Escobedo Shepherd — whose credentials include “professor of music…

Bill Clinton Really Wants Hillary to WIN!! Doesn’t He? [Video]

Bill Clinton Really Wants Hillary to WIN!! Doesn’t He? [Video]

Yesterday the internet was buzzing and twittering all over the former president’s angry response to the #BlackLivesMatter protestors. I have to say, its quite the show. The…

Mother’s Day 2015: Honoring Mothers in a Culture That Hates Motherhood

Mother’s Day 2015: Honoring Mothers in a Culture That Hates Motherhood

Everyone says it, but it’s the truth: becoming a mother changed me forever. Right now, as I write this, I can look over and see my two…

Amanda Marcotte Wonders Why Women Vote Republican

Today is the last day of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC. This has spurred liberals everywhere to become inexplicably confused at the idea of conservatives…

Rolling Stone Retracts UVA Rape Story

In November, Rolling Stone magazine published a story authored by Sabrina Ruben Erdely titled “A Rape On Campus.” The story revolved around an attack on the University…

Rape Culture: Victim Says Hillary Clinton “Took Me Through Hell”

Audio of what has now been dubbed “The Hillary Tapes” have gone viral, causing understandable outrage across the nation. In the tapes, Hillary Clinton talks about a…

Why do white people support the death penalty? Racism.

As much as liberals complain about the death penalty, the majority of Americans support it. This is especially true for white voters, who support it in higher…

Feminists Furious About Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’ SOTU Rebuttal

It was inevitable. It happens whenever a conservative female Republican dares to be vocal about their political beliefs. Last night, President Obama delivered his State of the…

What is So Feminist About Binge Drinking?

The modern feminazi motto could probably be summed up as, anything you can do, I can do better. We aren’t supposed to acknowledge that men and women…

Hysterical Feminazis Whine Over the “Slut-Shaming” of Miley Cyrus at the VMAs

Were you lucky enough to catch Miley Cyrus’ cringe-worthy performance at the MTV Video Music Awards this weekend? If you missed it, go ahead and check it…

Like White Meat? You Must Be RACIST!

Who else would have thought this up except for the geniuses at Slate? Apparently, we aren’t being made to feel guilty enough about Thanksgiving as it is….

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Ava Gardner