Seattle City Council Revisits Drug Exclusion Zones

Seattle City Council Revisits Drug Exclusion Zones

Seattle 10 years ago was a different city than what it is today. While The beautiful skyline, surrounding mountains and bodies of water still peacefully exist on the outskirts of the Emerald City, a rotting stench lurks from within.

Seattle: Drug Use And Possession Laws Forthcoming

Seattle: Drug Use And Possession Laws Forthcoming

The City of Seattle has become a haven for free drug possession and use. Addicts on the streets, increased homelessness and crime have inspired social media groups…

Seattle Cop Delivers Smackdown Via Resignation Letter

Seattle Cop Delivers Smackdown Via Resignation Letter

As I often say to my oldest child, now a young adult: “I wish you could have seen Seattle in the 90’s.”

Best Resigns After Seattle City Council Vote

Best Resigns After Seattle City Council Vote

The news came down last night. Seattle Chief of Police, Carmen Best, announced her retirement from SPD in an e-mail sent to police officers.

Violence Is Not The Answer in PDX and Seattle

Violence Is Not The Answer in PDX and Seattle

As riots and protests continue across the country, the northwestern cities of Portland and Seattle have seen increasing violence and crime in the name of “justice”.

Standby In Seattle: Tactical Presence Confirmed

Standby In Seattle: Tactical Presence Confirmed

There is no disputing the rivalry of “woke” in the great Pacific Northwest. Seattle comes up with the CHAZ, CHOP-whatever it is in Capitol Hill and Portland…

Seattle Rioters Attack Police And Coffee

Seattle Rioters Attack Police And Coffee

Another day ending in Y, another protest in Seattle. This time, the “march” that kicked off another round of vandalism was against ICE.

Seattle City Council Needs To Go, Amazon Gives Help

Seattle City Council Needs To Go, Amazon Gives Help

It’s true – Seattle is a wreck, destroyed from within by a succession of inept mayors and a radical city council. Something needs to change.

Stuck on Stupid: The Seattle City Council Wants to Levy Another Tax. [VIDEO]

Stuck on Stupid: The Seattle City Council Wants to Levy Another Tax. [VIDEO]

You know the old saying, “When you’re in a hole, stop digging”? I’m thinking that the idiots on the Seattle City Council have never heard that adage.

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray Finally Resigns, Only Took Five Sex Abuse Accusations [VIDEO]

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray Finally Resigns, Only Took Five Sex Abuse Accusations [VIDEO]

The progressive liberal bastion of Seattle has finally decided how many accusations of child sex abuse and rape it takes to get a Democrat to resign in…

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Ava Gardner