When the latest video of smash-n-grab video hits the news, do you root for the mob that outnumbers the owners? But aren’t they the immediate majority? Doesn’t…
Salon writers salivated when Donald Trump’s mugshot was dropped. Liberals celebrated the photo. Some liberals, like Heather Digby Parton of Salon mused, “what the hell country is…
As a dark beast that lives in the minds of those who wish him ill, President Donald Trump cycles through his symbolic personas stunningly fast and it…
Most people acquainted with sci-fi author Robert Heinlein understand the phrase “The Crazy Years”. He created a future history timeline and on it is a period of…
One reads Salon.com and wonders if there is some sort of dial-up agency where you call to find post-millennial, postmodern, Marxist, Middle-aged Sob Sisters? Women who like…
Very Happy Flag Day, my fellow Americans. All of you. Left. Right. Middle of the Road. Politically Agnostic. The American flag belongs to each and every one…
It is quite the irony when a publication like Salon sees right through the woke allyship of a white celebrity. This time, they’re taking aim at Taylor…
Republicans out there plotting: Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the caldron boil and bake; Eye of…
One can always count on Salon‘s Amanda Marcotte for some self-loathing projection. This latest exhibit shows us just how angry the ol’ feminazi is.
We all know how much Salon‘s Amanda Marcotte hates anything associated with Republicans, the GOP and Christians. But man, oh, man, this unhinged screed on Salon is…
As we scroll Salon on Sunday morning, we come across this piece written by Gail Cornwall. The long-winded interview with law professor, Adam Benforado, ultimately makes the…
Liberals love to blame the anti-vaxxers on all things COVID. Take this from Salon’s Amanda Marcotte, who paints a doom-and-gloom picture of “what the end of COVID…
To dip a toe into the screaming mess that is Salon is to witness people panicking that illiberal Left’s capture of American institutions is being challenged.
As Americans are surveyed on the British royals they like the least, it would appear Prince Andrew, along with Harry and Meghan, are the least popular.
Amanda Marcotte types for Salon Magazine. She hates and despises anything, ANYTHING, that even touches on being Christian, Conservative or Republican. She saves her most flaming invective…
‘Tis the season to watch Hallmark movies with (basically) the same story line-unless you’re a writer at Salon.
Fresh from Salon comes a commentary from Chauncey DeVega-Republicans are, apparently, thrilled that Paul Pelosi got attacked in his home. Why? Well, MAGA, of course, as the…
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