Isis Davis-Marks: Evil is at Yale

Isis Davis-Marks: Evil is at Yale

There’s an evil brewing at Yale. It’s an evil filled with racism, darkness, bigotry, and hatred so profound and so burning, that one has to wonder whether…

Jussie Smollett Story Enters Twilight Zone

Jussie Smollett Story Enters Twilight Zone

If you don’t watch Fox’s hip-hop TV series Empire, you probably don’t know the name of actor Jussie Smollett. But I bet you do now. He’s the openly…

The Fall of Northam: It’s About Time We Started Fighting Back

The Fall of Northam: It’s About Time We Started Fighting Back

Well, if you haven’t heard by now, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) is having a horrible, terrible, no good week. First he got eviscerated for his insane…

Is the FDA Racist or Just Stupid?

Is the FDA Racist or Just Stupid?

In this case, it may well be a matter of embracing the power of “and.” The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided that African Americans need…

Beards Are Now Racist [VIDEO]

Beards Are Now Racist [VIDEO]

In case you were wondering what the Left has on its racist list now, The Atlantic just let us know. It’s beards. Apparently beards have a “racially…

DeSantis: The Racist Dog Whistle Only the Left Can Hear [VIDEO]

DeSantis: The Racist Dog Whistle Only the Left Can Hear [VIDEO]

As Amanda wrote yesterday, Florida Republican Ron DeSantis and Democrat Andrew Gillum won their respective primaries on Tuesday, setting up a contest that would make Gillum the…

First Amendment Guarantees Your Right To Be A Flaming Jerk

First Amendment Guarantees Your Right To Be A Flaming Jerk

“The Daily” has posted an article by Kelly Weill titled, “Nazi Children’s Books, KKK Onesies Are for Sale on Amazon”. The subhead reads, “Hate propaganda marketed…

Nutjob Threatens to Bare Sagging Meatbags for Immigration… or Something [VIDEO]

Nutjob Threatens to Bare Sagging Meatbags for Immigration… or Something [VIDEO]

DC is well known as a magnet for freaks and weirdos who, in their desire to be heard, exercise their right to protest. The area on the…

Sarah Sanders and Freedom of Association

Sarah Sanders and Freedom of Association

In a perfect world, business owners would be free to legally boot customers from their premises whom they don’t want to serve. In a perfect world, we…

Did You Vote for Donald Trump? Then You’re Racist, Says CNN Guest. [VIDEO]

Did You Vote for Donald Trump? Then You’re Racist, Says CNN Guest. [VIDEO]

By now everyone and his grandmother has heard about the comments that Nuttier-Than-Squirrel-Poop Roseanne Barr made. Now I’m not about to regurgitate that mess here. However, I…

‘Day of Absence’ 2018 – Racist Bigots Run Amok

‘Day of Absence’ 2018 – Racist Bigots Run Amok

“” is reporting that the racist bigots at The Evergreen State College are once again planning events for “People of Color” (POC) that most often exclude white…

The Social Justice Olympics [VIDEO]

The Social Justice Olympics [VIDEO]

Note to all the athletes representing Team USA in PyeongChang right now: there is NO medal for winning the social justice woke competition of the Olympics. That’s…

Nancy Pelosi’s Grandson Story Is So Racist

Nancy Pelosi’s Grandson Story Is So Racist

Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi aka SanFranNancy aka “the gift that keeps on giving,” gave a filibuster-style speech on the floor of the House of Representatives. The speech lasted…

While You Were Outraged

While You Were Outraged

Well, gosh! If you haven’t heard already, Donald Trump has a potty mouth and called shithole countries shithole countries. Having visited quite a few of them on…

Nancy Pelosi And President Trump Compete For “Sh*thole” Immigration Trophy [VIDEO]

Nancy Pelosi And President Trump Compete For “Sh*thole” Immigration Trophy [VIDEO]

President Trump and Nancy Pelosi are competing for the Grand Prize of “Who Said The Meanest Thing EVAH!” regarding the upcoming immigration deal. Yesterday was Round One….

Dating in the Age of Intersectional Feminism: Knowing When to Run

Dating in the Age of Intersectional Feminism: Knowing When to Run

Imagine you’re a single guy. You meet a woman who appears to be sane and nice. She’s not sporting the signature rainbow hair, “statement” glasses, and hallmark…

Vlogger Candace Owens Tells Some Truths [VIDEO]

Vlogger Candace Owens Tells Some Truths [VIDEO]

Do you have a few minutes to spare? Then grab a Christmas cookie and sit down and watch vlogger (video blogger) Candace Owens talk about how the…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner