60 Minutes Airs USAID Sob Fest, But There’s A Problem

60 Minutes Airs USAID Sob Fest, But There’s A Problem

Sob fest alert! Won’t someone think of the poor USAID employees who got canned? That’s the boost 60 Minutes gave the organization yesterday.

Obama: It Was MY Economy That Was Great, Not Trump’s!

Obama: It Was MY Economy That Was Great, Not Trump’s!

Obama, who is very reluctantly campaigning for Kamala Harris is now claiming that the ONLY economy that was great was HIS, not President Trump’s.

Harley-Davidson Desirable Again After Ditching DEI Practices

Harley-Davidson Desirable Again After Ditching DEI Practices

Another corporation has ditched its forced Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive (DEI) policies. This time, the corporation we speak of is the world’s most desirable motorcycle brand: Harley-Davidson.

Biden’s New Ceasefire Proposal Is Trash

Biden’s New Ceasefire Proposal Is Trash

Israel, according to Joe Biden, has crafted a new ceasefire proposal. One that he says Israel should act upon immediately. 

Democrats Desperate: Obama Surprise Guest At State Dinner For Kenya

Democrats Desperate: Obama Surprise Guest At State Dinner For Kenya

This tells me how desperate the Democrats are. Obama was the sneaky surprise guest at last nights State Dinner held in honor of Kenya’s President William Ruto.

2024 Election Is Source Of Terror For Michelle Obama

2024 Election Is Source Of Terror For Michelle Obama

The outcome of the 2024 election is a source of terror for Michelle Obama. You see, if we the voters don’t vote the way she thinks we…

Obama Issues Arrogant “Both Sides” Lecture On Israel And Hamas

Obama Issues Arrogant “Both Sides” Lecture On Israel And Hamas

Obama decided to issue a statement on Israel and Hamas. He not only OTHERED Israel, he spun a brilliant “both sides” lecture. It starts thusly:

Iran And Hezbollah Support Hamas Terrorist Attack On Israel

Iran And Hezbollah Support Hamas Terrorist Attack On Israel

In a move that should shock no one, Iran and Hezbollah are fully on board with the on-going Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Iran Makes Bank Off Hostage Exchange

Iran Makes Bank Off Hostage Exchange

Iran will net $6 BILLION dollars in exchange for giving up five American hostages. And while I do hope they will see freedom soon, I have a…

Indictment Distraction Tactics Have Begun

Indictment Distraction Tactics Have Begun

The Trump indictment circus has only just begun. With lots of takes from yesterday, we learn of the judge who supposedly “drew” for her spot in Trump’s…

Obama Stumps For Slumlord Warnock In Georgia

Obama Stumps For Slumlord Warnock In Georgia

The Georgia runoff is a tight race for sure. So, the Democrats bring in the big guns to help Raphael Warnock defeat Hershel Walker. No, not Biden…

Michelle O and Her Insufferable Petulance

Michelle O and Her Insufferable Petulance

Move over, Meghan Markle, Michelle Obama has published a new book and is hitting the book circuit. And like the privileged Duchess of Sussex, Michelle O just…

Obama On Immigration: GOP Fears People Of Darker Shades

Obama On Immigration: GOP Fears People Of Darker Shades

Obama decided to opine about the current illegal immigration issues this country is facing. According to his brilliance, it’s the GOP’s fear of people of darker shades…

Obama: George Floyd More Important Than Uvalde Children

Obama: George Floyd More Important Than Uvalde Children

Yes, you read that correctly. Obama elected to issue a vile tweet yesterday afternoon that propped up criminal George Floyd and stomped all over the bodies of…

Opinion: Vikings and Why the Left Hates Us

Opinion: Vikings and Why the Left Hates Us

My husband is a Scotsman to his bones.  He also has a deep reverence for The Vikings, who have an intertwined history and culture with the Scots. …

DHS Disinformation Board Will Wage War On Free Speech

DHS Disinformation Board Will Wage War On Free Speech

In order to “preserve” free speech, the Department of Homeland Security has launched a Disinformation Governance Board.

Suddenly It’s Ok To ‘Drill Baby Drill!’

Suddenly It’s Ok To ‘Drill Baby Drill!’

‘Drill Baby Drill!’ That’s the Friday night news dump from the Biden Administration. Suddenly, they want to auction off public lands leases. Suddenly, they want oil companies…

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Ava Gardner