Henry Cisneros: Hillary Will Likely Choose Julián Castro as Her Running Mate

Henry Cisneros: Hillary Will Likely Choose Julián Castro as Her Running Mate

Seems Hillary, not even through the primaries yet, has likely chosen her running mate. According to former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, her VP choice will be Julián…

TIME: Hillary is Qualified Because She’s Post-Menopausal

On Tuesday morning, Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC’s resident Blonde Joke, extolled Hillary Clinton’s praises and erstwhile “experience” while labeling Senator Marco Rubio a “little boy.” It’s true that…

#ScoobyVan Tuesday: Hillary to Visit Iowa College as Students Question Her Integrity

#ScoobyVan Tuesday: Hillary to Visit Iowa College as Students Question Her Integrity

Barack Obama overwhelmingly won the youth vote in 2008, and again in his 2012 re-election. But Hillary Clinton is not Barack Obama, at least in the “hip…

Marco Rubio Announces 2016 Presidential Bid At Freedom Tower Rally

This evening, Florida Senator Marco Rubio publicly announced his candidacy for President of the United States. As Francisco Alvarez at FoxNews Latino notes, making the announcement from…

In Conference Call Marco Rubio Announces He’s Running For President

In Conference Call Marco Rubio Announces He’s Running For President

Marco Rubio, who enjoyed the support of the Tea Party in his successful run for Florida’s senatorial seat in 2010, has announced on a conference call to…

Marco Rubio Is Making A Big Announcement

We aren’t even halfway through 2015, and already the field of presidential candidates is rapidly growing. First it was Ted Cruz. Then Rand Paul. Yesterday it was…

Obama Shakes Hands with Communist Castro, Lashes Out at American Senators

In a small conference room at the 7th Summit of the Americas held in Panama City, Panama, President Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro met for an…

Lies, Deceit, and the Undermining of America: Obama Lifts the Cuban Embargo

There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that where there are enemies of the United States, there Obama will be to prop them up. Earlier this month we…

Obama Signs StopGap; McConnell Gets Kentucky Kickback

After spending the better part of the past two weeks demanding a “clean CR” be presented him, abusing our veterans, and demonizing and refusing to negotiate with…

It’s Shocking!  Marco Rubio gets thirsty!   (Video)

It’s Shocking! Marco Rubio gets thirsty! (Video)

Senator Marco Rubio gave the Republican response to the Imperial Presidents’ self-adulating and mind-numbing State of the Union address last night. It was a solidly conservative speech…

Charlie Crist hits rock bottom

Principles, values, integrity, class… over the course of this election season, Charlie Crist has tossed it all away in his desperate bid to hold onto power. He’s…

Charlie Crist is a shameless idiot

Charlie Crist is a shameless idiot

What do you do when you’ve completely sold out all of your principles and received absolutely nothing in return? Well, you become even more entrenched in your…

Sympathies for the Rubio family

Sympathies for the Rubio family

A few days ago, Marco Rubio posted on Facebook that he was going to be unable to debate Kendrick Meek because his father had taken a turn…

marco rubio v. charlie crist

there’s going to be an interesting republican senate primary in florida, certainly one to watch between the very popular governor charlie crist who is a moderate populist…

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Ava Gardner