Thanks Biden! OPEC+ To Make Major Cut In Oil Production

Thanks Biden! OPEC+ To Make Major Cut In Oil Production

It seems that OPEC+, the oil cartel and allies (that includes Russia) is gearing up for a major cut in oil production. The cartel is meeting on Wednesday with a likely announcement soon after.

Pete Buttigieg To Keystone Pipeline Workers: Go Code

Pete Buttigieg To Keystone Pipeline Workers: Go Code

Keystone Pipeline XL workers who just lost their jobs should learn to code. That was the implication of Pete Buttigieg’s response to Ted Cruz during yesterday’s hearings.

Rick Perry Launches 2016 Campaign For United States President

Rick Perry Launches 2016 Campaign For United States President

Today, at an Addison Texas airplane hanger standing in front of a C-130 prop plane, former Texas Governor Rick Perry entered the 2016 Presidential Race. In attendance were…

Pen and Phone: Obama Vetoes Bipartisan Keystone XL Pipeline Bill

Pen and Phone: Obama Vetoes Bipartisan Keystone XL Pipeline Bill

Once again, the Naked Emperor has proven he’s nothing but a political animal, beholden only to his radical base. As threatened, the Empty Chair has, this afternoon,…

President Obama Threatens to Veto Keystone

The showdown between the new Republican-controlled Congress and the White House has already begun. On Wednesday, newly elected Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called President Obama out…

Boehner Wins Third Term as House Speaker

It is now official – John Boehner has been elected to serve as Speaker of the House for a third term. There were 25 votes from Republicans…

Senator Mary Landrieu’s Retirement Party, or the Louisiana Runoff Election

Senator Mary Landrieu’s Retirement Party, or the Louisiana Runoff Election

With the polls firmly in Rep. Bill Cassidy’s camp (he currently holds a 20 point lead), it’s all over but the counting for soon-to-be-former Senator Mary Landrieu….

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Ava Gardner