Jane Fonda Day Gets Moved In L.A.

Jane Fonda Day Gets Moved In L.A.

Los Angeles country faced some backlash over a decision to name April 30th “Jane Fonda Day”.

Hanoi Jane Shilling for Joe Biden

Hanoi Jane Shilling for Joe Biden

Joe Biden wants to become this nation’s Commander-in-Chief. He also passes himself off as a champion of military veterans. Yet on Saturday, his running mate Kamala Harris…

Driving Voters to Join Team Trump

Driving Voters to Join Team Trump

I’ll be upfront right here: I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in 2016. That’s because I couldn’t abide the man, and I knew that my state would…

Jane Fonda to Speak at 50th Memorial of Kent State Shooting

Jane Fonda to Speak at 50th Memorial of Kent State Shooting

Jane Fonda, wealthy leftwing dilettante and a woman who has spent her life acting out her daddy issues in public, will be wallowing front-and-center at the 50th…

Hanoi Jane Fonda To Climate Protest Critics: “Those People Don’t Matter”

Hanoi Jane Fonda To Climate Protest Critics: “Those People Don’t Matter”

“Those people don’t matter.” That’s according to Hanoi Jane Fonda who is barely one month into her “Fire Drill Fridays” climate change protest schtick in Washington D.C….

“Hanoi” Jane Fonda Rants On Midterm Elections

“Hanoi” Jane Fonda Rants On Midterm Elections

Oh my stars and garters. Please go vote today. Go vote today and vote a straight Republican ticket. Do it just to make it harder for Jane…

Boo Freakin’ Hoo: Kathy Griffin Posts Half-Baked Apology For Trump Beheading Project [VIDEO]

Boo Freakin’ Hoo: Kathy Griffin Posts Half-Baked Apology For Trump Beheading Project [VIDEO]

Kathy Griffin, supposedly a comedienne, has resorted to stripping during CNN New Year’s Eve broadcasts, walking the red carpet while flipping the bird to all and sundry,…

Remembering D-Day: Yesterday, Today, and Always

This past Friday was a momentous occasion. We as a nation commemorated the 70th anniversary of D-Day. In reality very little was written about this momentous, sacred…

Top 10 Unhinged Reactions to the Arizona Shooting (Plus Hanoi Jane)

Top 10 Unhinged Reactions to the Arizona Shooting (Plus Hanoi Jane)

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: Last weekend, we all watched in horror as news of a horrific tragedy played across our television screens. A psychotic gunman…

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Ava Gardner