Jane Fonda Day Gets Moved In L.A.

Jane Fonda Day Gets Moved In L.A.

Jane Fonda Day Gets Moved In L.A.

Los Angeles country faced some backlash over a decision to name April 30th “Jane Fonda Day”.

I know what you’re thinking. “Hanoi Jane has a special day”? My sentiments, exactly. However, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, being the bunch of liberal, communist-loving clowns that they are, thought it would be appropriate to honor the actress in the month of April to coincide with Earth Day celebrations. After all, Ms. Fonda is not only an American-hating traitor, she is also a climate activist.

Yep. I am sure she flew a commercial airline to the Cannes Film Festival last week to show off her new facelift and obviously injected Commie-Red lips.

What the rocket scientists on the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors failed to realize was that April 30th is also recognized as Black April by the Los Angeles’ Vietnamese community. An “oopsie”? I think not.

As you may know, the Vietnamese Community in Southern California recognizes ‘Black April” every year on April 30. Black April marks the Fall of Saigon and is a painful closing chapter of The Vietnam War. For the Vietnamese refugee community in California and beyond, this day is marked with solemn ceremonies of remembrance for the 58,000 American and 250,000 South Vietnamese lives lost.”-Tri Ta, Assembly, California Legilature

Oh, the peasants! Come again…how did you get to Cannes, Jane?

She traveled to Hanoi during the Vietnam War, was photographed with NVA soldiers, and even denounced the U.S. military on local radio during her visits. In addition, this honor for Ms. Fonda is an affront to the service and sacrifice of American and South Vietnamese soldiers who gave everything in the cause of freedom.”-Tri Ta, Assembly, California Legilature

We know, Jane Fonda says she regrets being caught smiling and posing on top of an anti-aircraft gun.

It is possible that it was a set up, that the Vietnamese had it all planned. I will never know. But if they did I can’t blame them. The buck stops here. If I was used, I allowed it to happen. It was my mistake and I have paid and continue to pay a heavy price for it. Had I brought a politically more experienced traveling companion with me they would have kept me from taking that terrible seat. I would have known two minutes before sitting down what I didn’t realize until two minutes afterwards; a two-minute lapse of sanity that will haunt me forever. The gun was inactive, there were no planes overhead, I simply wasn’t thinking about what I was doing, only about what I was feeling, innocent of what the photo implies.”-Jane Fonda

She “regretted” the photo op. She should have regretted her most recent plastic surgery but I digress. Sheesh.

Jane Fonda’s “mistake” of 1972 brings us to the age-old adage. Actors who don’t know any better should act on the big screen.That’s it. And, as far as the “heavy price” she paid for her antics? Please! She’s always had Dad’s bank account to fall back on. So, spare us theatrics. Jane Fonda’s self-proclaimed “two-minute lapse of sanity” of the time she chose to pose an anti-aircraft gun that shot down OUR planes, is a poor excuse for the utter disrespect she has shown to her home country.

Senator Janet Nguyễn blasted the Los Angeles County Supervisors “tone deaf“. I’ll say-and so does everyone in Little Saigon.

Acknowledging these concerns, the Board voted Tuesday to move “Jane Fonda Day” to April 8, beginning in 2025. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Why have a Jane Fonda Day at all?

So much so, she donned a necklace made of American aircraft pieces and given to her by Vietnamese Communists. Again, OUR aircraft which was shot down by the Communists of North Vietnam. OUR airplanes and helos that had American souls on board. Lives lost. The ones who did live to tell the tale were called “war criminals”. This, among other atrocities committed by Jane Fonda, merits a day of “celebration” in her honor? I would say the Board of Supervisors is completely out of their minds but it is California, after all, so I were not shocked.

The Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) estimates that over 100,000 helicopter pilots and crew members served during the Vietnam War. Over 4,800 helicopter pilots and crew members were killed in action, and more than 300 are buried at Arlington National Cemetery. In addition, Arlington National Cemetery is the final resting place of helicopter crews whose remains were recovered many years after the end of the Vietnam War.”-Arlington Cemetery

She wore a necklace. As the wife of a retired Marine helo pilot, I raise Lip-Filler Fonda not one, but two of my perfectly manicured middle fingers.

Out of respect for community voices who have spoken out regarding the historic significance of that date, Los Angeles County will recognize American actor and activist Jane Fonda on April 8 during Earth Month.”

Respect. Are they for real? By honoring a person who had ZERO respect for our country and our troops?

Respect for the Vietnamese community would be to realize how tone deaf holding a “celebration” for Jane Fonda would be on any given day of the year. But since we’re throwing out dates in April to “honor” Hanoi Jane, I’d say April Fools’ Day would have been more appropriate.

Feature Photo Credit: Mieremet, Rob / Anefo [CC BY-SA 3.0 nl (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/nl/deed.en)], cropped and modified

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  • GWB says:

    Woopsie, Lisa. You broke a close tag for italics. At the end of the first quote.

    And I have loathed Fonda since I was a child, for exactly those acts.

  • Mad Celt says:

    There will be a carnival the day she departs for the traitors ring of hell. I have never understood why she became an A List star having done more than what Nathan Hale did to deserve execution by the Brits. It taught me there are lip patriots who should never be trusted when it comes to matters of the country. McCain, Rove, Cheney and Romney, weasels who could never offer more than criticisms.

  • Scott says:

    If they were so set on giving her a day in April, they should have gone with the 20th.. Her and hitler probably have lots in common…

    I’d love to have the beer concession across the street from her grave, gonna be a lot of thirsty vets coming to pay their “respects”…

    Rot in Hell Hanoi Jane!

    For context, she posed for that phot while my father was in country…

  • draigh says:

    How soon before Old, Slow Joe awards her a “Medal of Freedom?”

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