Lebanon Alert: Americans Told To Leave Country NOW

Lebanon Alert: Americans Told To Leave Country NOW

The situation in the Middle East could be ratcheting up to new levels, with the U.S Consular Office issuing new “guidance” to American citizens in Lebanon.

Trump Explains Away His Comments About Netanyahu and Israel

Trump Explains Away His Comments About Netanyahu and Israel

Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that we are not of one mind concerning Donald J. Trump. Some are solid MAGA, through…

Hezbollah Attacks Israel, Will Anyone Wake Joe This Time?

Hezbollah Attacks Israel, Will Anyone Wake Joe This Time?

Hezbollah doesn’t want to be left out, it seems. The Iran-backed terror group decided to launch rockets into Israel from Lebanon, which means this will be a…

Iran And Hezbollah Support Hamas Terrorist Attack On Israel

Iran And Hezbollah Support Hamas Terrorist Attack On Israel

In a move that should shock no one, Iran and Hezbollah are fully on board with the on-going Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Iran Terrorist Soleimani Killed In U.S. Airstrike And Former Obama Admins Cry

Iran Terrorist Soleimani Killed In U.S. Airstrike And Former Obama Admins Cry

Iranian terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani was killed last night by U.S. forces. And that is a very, very good thing.

Five Tweets That Did Not Age Well In 2017

Five Tweets That Did Not Age Well In 2017

Ah, Twitter. What would we do without knowing the instant and unfiltered reaction of every single person with itchy fingers and wi-fi at the ready?

Collusion: Obama Let Hezbollah Terrorists Off The Hook For Iran Deal [VIDEO]

Collusion: Obama Let Hezbollah Terrorists Off The Hook For Iran Deal [VIDEO]

The Iran Deal has, as we’ve pointed out many times, only benefitted Iran. In fact, that deal was more craptastic than any of us knew. Turns out Obama…

‘They don’t speak for me’: New Muslim Movement Rejects CAIR

‘They don’t speak for me’: New Muslim Movement Rejects CAIR

In the hours following the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino most decent Americans (of course that excludes quite a few loud-mouthed progressives who are “feeling the Bern”)…

ISIS invades Lebanon, then they leave?

ISIS arrived in Lebanon, a swath of death and destruction in its wake. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Sunni Muslim caliphate battled with the Lebanese Army for the north-eastern…

TSA Allowing Illegals To Fly Domestically-No ID required

The past week I have been listening to the reports coming from the border, and talking to my sister who lives near it in Southern California, and…

Jimmy Carter upset that SCOTUS ruling means he can’t pal around with terrorist groups anymore

My latest post from David Horowitz’ Newsreal: Yesterday, the Supreme Court upheld a federal law barring material support for foreign terrorist organizations. And right on time, America’s…

Daniel in the lion’s den

Daniel in the lion’s den

If you want to know what bravery looks like, this video shows you. It’s almost hard to believe the response to this one lone Israeli flag and…

Turk American killed aboard the Gaza flotilla

The media has found something else to demonize Israel about over the Gaza flotilla incident. A 19-year old “American” was killed in the confrontation from multiple gunshot…

Confession: Gaza flotilla participants PLANNED to attack Israel; wanted to martyr themselves for jihad

Confession: Gaza flotilla participants PLANNED to attack Israel; wanted to martyr themselves for jihad

My Newsreal co-blogger David Swindle has a rather illuminating video up today. The video aired on Hamas TV the day before the confrontation at sea, and in…

Israel gave the flotilla what was coming to them

Israel gave the flotilla what was coming to them

As John Hawkins outlined, liberals have been outraged by the attack on a flotilla by the Israeli navy that left at least 10 dead. As per usual,…

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Ava Gardner