Antisemitism has been on the rise, exponentially, since Israel was attacked by Hamas on October 7. Now, businessman and New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, through his organization, Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS), will be running a Super Bowl ad this evening.
The SPLC (Souther Poverty Law Center) published its annual ‘Hate Map’ yesterday, with new groups added. They claim that Parental Rights groups are equal to or worse…
I would say Scrooge has a lot of company each time the calendar rolls into December. But Scrooge was redeemed – contemporary Leftists, not so much.
The cartoon used as our featured photo lampoons the French and Spanish’ futile efforts to dislodge the British at the Siege of Gibraltar. The Brits are the ones…
For the fourth time this year, Jewish Community Centers have been on the receiving end of bomb threats. There have been 69 incidents at 54 JCCs in…
Dear Ashley Judd: Longtime readers of Victory Girls know that many of us were/are A. uneasy about Donald Trump as President, B. Hesitant to vote for him,…
The four individuals in Chicago responsible for the kidnapping and torture of a young man with special needs, that Deana wrote about here, have been charged. Here…
This morning, millions of Christian Americans will attend church services. Many will be confused and upset at the Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, and many will be concerned not…
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