Our Duffer In Chief had a busy day yesterday. Florida and the extremely grave, dangerous even, issue of climate change was all he could talk about. First he…
Obama, despite all the evidence, stubbornly insists that the U.S. is still winning the fight against ISIS: “No, I don’t think we’re losing,” Obama said in an interview…
For the last few days, the U.S. media has been all twitter-pated about the new candidates for President. Most especially Hillary and her Scooby Van Iowa tour,…
President Obama, at yesterday’s National Prayer breakfast, spoke eloquently and insultingly about his issues with Christianity and the Crusades; yet STILL couldn’t bring himself to call ISIS…
How much will it cost to educate the newest influx of illegal minors? $760 Million. That’s an estimate. How much will it really cost the American taxpayer?…
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