Walz Covid Curfew: Residents Shot With Paintballs On Own Porch

Walz Covid Curfew: Residents Shot With Paintballs On Own Porch

Paintballs and Covid Curfews. It went well beyond Walz demanding that everyone be a Covid snitch, while at the same time genuflecting to George Floyd. Those pesky protests got out of hand, so a curfew had to be imposted. It was paintball time if you dare to stay on your OWN porch a little too long.

Tim Walz Is The VEEP Who Let Minneapolis Burn

Tim Walz Is The VEEP Who Let Minneapolis Burn

Well, it’s Tim Walz for VEEP. The erstwhile Governor of Minnesota was chosen for his “chemistry” with Kamala.

Chicago PD Train For DNC Riots, Protestors Gin Up Outrage Machine In Response

Chicago PD Train For DNC Riots, Protestors Gin Up Outrage Machine In Response

The Chicago PD is readying for an intense week of riots during the DNC Convention in August. Rightly so, they are receiving specialized tactical training.

NPR: Only Certain Progressive Narratives Are Considered

NPR: Only Certain Progressive Narratives Are Considered

“All things considered.” That’s been NPR’s slogan for decades. However, as most of us know, that hasn’t been the case for quite some time. And today, Uri…

George Floyd Riots “Historic Movement For Justice” – Joe Biden

George Floyd Riots “Historic Movement For Justice” – Joe Biden

Joe Biden was in Charleston at the Emmanuel AME Church to remember the nine parishioners murdered by a mentally-ill White supremacist in 2015. That’s not what he…

Target Pivots To Social Justice Amid Boycott Threat

Target Pivots To Social Justice Amid Boycott Threat

It looks like the Target boycott is actually having an impact, and it isn’t even June yet.

Shooter in Florida Went Full George Floyd When Arrested

Shooter in Florida Went Full George Floyd When Arrested

Keith Melvin Moses, the shooter from Orange County, FL, was arrested shortly after he allegedly killed three people and wounded two. On Thursday, the Orange County Sheriff’s office released…

Memphis: Entire Police Department Needs To Be Fired

Memphis: Entire Police Department Needs To Be Fired

The tragedy in Memphis should never have happened. There is ZERO reason for five cops to go after a man and beat him senseless. ZERO.

BLM Leader Accused Of Using Organization As Personal Slush Fund

BLM Leader Accused Of Using Organization As Personal Slush Fund

The new leader of BLM (Black Lives Matter) is now facing accusations of using the organization as his own personal slush fund. To the tune of $10…

Chicago Schools Promote Looting on Website

Chicago Schools Promote Looting on Website

Chicago Public Schools are finally reopening for full in-person instruction for the 2022-23 school year. You’d think the curriculum would be heavy on catching the little crumb-crunchers…

Obama: George Floyd More Important Than Uvalde Children

Obama: George Floyd More Important Than Uvalde Children

Yes, you read that correctly. Obama elected to issue a vile tweet yesterday afternoon that propped up criminal George Floyd and stomped all over the bodies of…

Unexpectedly The Pandemic Is Over

Unexpectedly The Pandemic Is Over

Pandemic? What pandemic? As we’ve watched over the last couple of weeks, the narrative has shifted, BIG TIME. Suddenly Democrats are lifting mandates, restrictions, and back pedaling…

Black Lives Matter Shuts Down Fundraising

Black Lives Matter Shuts Down Fundraising

That band of racist grifters known as Black Lives Matter quietly shut down their online fundraising late on Wednesday. It turns out that even liberal California smelled…

Biden Expected To Sign Police Reform Executive Order

Biden Expected To Sign Police Reform Executive Order

NBC News is reporting that Joe Biden is expected to sign an Executive Order on Police Reform since recent efforts in Congress have stalled. The Biden Junta…

Salon Twists Washington’s Farewell Address

Salon Twists Washington’s Farewell Address

George Washington’s Farewell Address is one of those enduring American documents which stands for all time. Yet a Salon writer is using it as a screed to…

Brooklyn, NY Protests Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict

Brooklyn, NY Protests Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict

Protesters took to the streets of Brooklyn, New York to protest the Not Guilty verdict for Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin. While the Governor in Wisconsin had…

A 700-pound Tribute To George Floyd?  Ironic

A 700-pound Tribute To George Floyd? Ironic

I was driving home yesterday, listening to talk radio, as I typically do, minding my own business, when I heard what? I heard that Newark, NJ paid…

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Ava Gardner