Melania Nixes Tea And Crumpets With Jill

Melania Nixes Tea And Crumpets With Jill

While some will natter on about how this is a serious breach of protocol, I’m totally fine with Melania refusing Jill’s invite to tea and crumpets at the White House.

Melania Trump Warns Americans: It Can Happen To You

Melania Trump Warns Americans: It Can Happen To You

Melania Trump may not be out on the campaign trail, but she definitely IS involved and monitoring. Yesterday she issued a stark warning to Americans. What happened…

Christmas Joy Is Not Something The Left Cares About

Christmas Joy Is Not Something The Left Cares About

It’s pretty comical when outlets like Salon pretend to care about Christmas, don’t you think? Especially when the piece is really not about Christmas but about trashing…

Halloween At The White House [VIDEO]

Halloween At The White House [VIDEO]

Can you imagine being a kid, and getting to dress up and go trick-or-treating at the White House for Halloween? What fun would that be!

Melania Trump Bowls in Stilettos Beautifully

Melania Trump Bowls in Stilettos Beautifully

Is there anything that Melania Trump doesn’t do beautifully and gracefully…in stiletto heels? Today in Britain while visiting with some retired military veterans, known as the Chelsea…

Melania Trump Is A Twenty-first Century Style Icon

Melania Trump Is A Twenty-first Century Style Icon

Earlier today Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States of America, was in Brussels, Belgium, and tonight she is in London, England. Wherever our First Lady…

Unfunny Kathy Griffin Slags FLOTUS Melania Trump

Unfunny Kathy Griffin Slags FLOTUS Melania Trump

Breathtakingly unfunny comedian Kathy Griffin bitch slapped our First Lady of the United States in a rant regarding children separated from their families at the border. From…

Melania Trump Hosts Gold Star Families, Media Goes Full Gladys Kravitz Rutabaga [VIDEO]

Melania Trump Hosts Gold Star Families, Media Goes Full Gladys Kravitz Rutabaga [VIDEO]

The over reaction to Melania Trump’s supposed ‘disappearance’ from sight after her kidney surgery has been one for the books. Lisa wrote about some of it here….

Melania Trump and the French State Visit Fashions

Melania Trump and the French State Visit Fashions

The State Visit of French President Emmanuel Macron and Madame Brigitte Macron was an eye-catching reminder that we finally, after several decades, have a First Lady of…

Trump Doesn’t Attend Barbara Bush Funeral, Twitter Mob Spontaneously Erupts. [VIDEO]

Trump Doesn’t Attend Barbara Bush Funeral, Twitter Mob Spontaneously Erupts. [VIDEO]

The Bush family laid their beloved wife, mother, and grandmother to rest today. America said its goodbyes to a beloved former First Lady, Barbara Bush, she of…

Chris Matthews Jokes About Drugging #Hillary Prior To Interview [VIDEO]

Chris Matthews Jokes About Drugging #Hillary Prior To Interview [VIDEO]

Interesting how when someone is on the liberal side of the fence, they can say just about anything and not get called out on the carpet for…

Melania Trump Unveils A Timelessly Classic White House Christmas [VIDEO]

Melania Trump Unveils A Timelessly Classic White House Christmas [VIDEO]

The weekend after Thanksgiving I start decorating for Christmas. There is just something about this holiday that I love. The joy, the fun, the excitement, and the…

Melania Trump Defines Elegance at State Dinner in China

Melania Trump Defines Elegance at State Dinner in China

First Lady Melania Trump defined elegance and, along with Chinese First Lady Madam Peng, put on a beautiful style show. Even the most naive among us must…

President and Melania Trump Change Hearts and Minds in Houston. [VIDEO]

President and Melania Trump Change Hearts and Minds in Houston. [VIDEO]

Donald Trump is a racist. He’s a white supremacist. He’s also KKK, a bigot, a Nazi — fill in the blank. So say the Left. Then how…

Media Reports Of Trump’s Second “Secret” Meeting With Putin Is Epic Fail [VIDEO]

Media Reports Of Trump’s Second “Secret” Meeting With Putin Is Epic Fail [VIDEO]

The media and those firmly in the anti-Trump and/or RUSSIA DID IT! camp just keep digging themselves a deeper hole. It’s like they just don’t know when…

Donald and Melania Trump in Paris for Bastille Day

Donald and Melania Trump in Paris for Bastille Day

Early Thursday morning, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrived in Paris aboard Air Force One. The Trumps will be in Paris for barely over…

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Ava Gardner