Musk Blasts Disney: Promises To Protect “Discriminated” Employees

Musk Blasts Disney: Promises To Protect “Discriminated” Employees

Elon Musk is sending Disney and its subsidiaries into the stratosphere on Space X, so it seems.

Madonna The Primadonna Gets Sued

Madonna The Primadonna Gets Sued

Pop icon, Madonna, is apparently not a favorite with the Brooklyn crowd anymore. In fact, two Brooklyn fan are filing a lawsuit against Madge for showing up…

Susan Sarandon Gets Sacked From Talent Agency

Susan Sarandon Gets Sacked From Talent Agency

Most of us put whatever media on silent if we see Susan Sarandon speaking about current affairs and politics. But now, her talent agency has done so.

Writers Guild Breaks Silence On Israel-Hamas War: Is It Too Late?

Writers Guild Breaks Silence On Israel-Hamas War: Is It Too Late?

The Writers Guild of America (WGAW) was not silent on #MeToo. Nor were they silent on the Black Lives Matter protests. What have they been silent on?…

Aldean Stands Up To Mob In Cincinnati

Aldean Stands Up To Mob In Cincinnati

While teenybopper fangirls are tripping over themselves here in Seattle to go see woke mob member, Taylor Swift, Jason Aldean defied the mob two nights ago.

Salon: Taylor Swift’s Woke Handmaid Allyship Is Not Enough

Salon: Taylor Swift’s Woke Handmaid Allyship Is Not Enough

It is quite the irony when a publication like Salon sees right through the woke allyship of a white celebrity. This time, they’re taking aim at Taylor…

Quantum Leap’s Let Them Play, Pro-Trans Episode

Quantum Leap’s Let Them Play, Pro-Trans Episode

Back in the late 80s/early 90s, you could catch the science fiction television show Quantum Leap. It starred Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell. And in Hollywood fashion,…

Daily Wire Tells Disney: Hold My Beer!

Daily Wire Tells Disney: Hold My Beer!

“Don’t like it? So start your own company!” sneer the smug liberal consumers of woke media to frustrated conservatives. So the website Daily Wire responded with, Hold…

Joe Rogan Attacked Again And It Was All Planned Out

Joe Rogan Attacked Again And It Was All Planned Out

Attackers swooped in once again to try to take Joe Rogan off Spotify. Only this time it wasn’t the Covidians; it was race hustlers who found old…

Dave Chappelle Steps On The Wrong Turf

Dave Chappelle Steps On The Wrong Turf

If you’re a liberal, you may think comedians like Kathy Griffin holding a severed Trump head covered in ketchup are funny. You may think Jim Carrey’s political…

Nirvana Baby Is A Whiny, Man Child

Nirvana Baby Is A Whiny, Man Child

Oh, the days of showing up to parties of random garage bands put together by friends mimicking grunge heard from bands out of Seattle-Mudhoney, Mother Love Bone…

Corporations Grovel to Black Lives Matter

Corporations Grovel to Black Lives Matter

Ask a progressive, and they’ll tell you that corporations are evil entities that rich Republicans support. So why do they grovel at the feet of Black Lives…

Miley Cyrus Divorces and Yes You Should Care

Miley Cyrus Divorces and Yes You Should Care

So Miley Cyrus, the twerking twit who used to be a wholesome Disney kid star, is divorcing her husband of less than a year. Apparently her antics…

Joy Behar, Idiot Extraordinaire: “Maybe he’d rather talk to me than Netanyahu. Ever think of that?”

Joy Behar, possibly one of the dumbest people on television, unsurprisingly offered up one of the dumbest defenses of Obama’s moronic decision to blow off Benjamin Netanyahu…

Bristol Palin to appear on Dancing With The Stars?

Um… OK. Is this some kind of Levi Johnston payback or something? Levi will struggle with some lame reality show that no one watches, while Bristol looks…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner