Our right to vote will be lost if Republicans win in November. That is the assertion that Jena Griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, made over the weekend.
SCOTUS punted the Pennsylvania election case today. They effectively kicked the election can down the road by determining the case was MOOT.
With all the wall-to-wall media and celebrity hype of Joe “Hairy Legs” Biden’s inauguration, in a capitol surrounded by enough troops and razor wire to make Kim…
I AM SARAH. Say it. Mean it. Repeat it. Repeat it to everyone you know. Whether they understand or not, whether they’ve read Sarah Chamberlain’s piece or…
Have you seen Greenfield’s Illegitimate Election piece? How about Michael Anton and Codevilla’s recent pieces? Sure, you have. You understand the stakes. And of course, the Illegitimate…
This is just as terrible as you think it will be. Project Veritas has thrown quite a hand grenade straight into the Minneapolis area, bringing the receipts…
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