Journalistic Garbage: CNN Wins Walter Cronkite Award For Parkland Townhall

Journalistic Garbage: CNN Wins Walter Cronkite Award For Parkland Townhall

In the realm of ‘you can’t make this shit up’ the Norman Lear Center decided that CNN portrayed stellar journalistic excellence with that Parkland town hall mess…

CNN’S Brian Stelter Goes To Bat For Beto O’Rourke

CNN’S Brian Stelter Goes To Bat For Beto O’Rourke

In the last few days we’ve watched while Robert Francis O’Rourke (BETO) embarked upon his windmilling hands journey for the Presidency. Within two days of his supremely…

Hammer to Fall on CNN Over Covington

Hammer to Fall on CNN Over Covington

First the Washington Post got slapped with a lawsuit over its shabby handling of the Covington students. Now it will be time for the hammer to fall…

CNN Soils Its Frilly Panties at an Acting SECDEF Shooting Something

CNN Soils Its Frilly Panties at an Acting SECDEF Shooting Something

You know why many Americans scoff at CNN’s claim that it’s a legitimate news source? Because with every sentence and in every story CNN displays stunning bias…

Taking Apart CNN’s Lies About School Shootings

Taking Apart CNN’s Lies About School Shootings

Hey, stop me if you heard this one. CNN published a “news” story about school shootings, claiming that in the year since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman…

CNN Just Happens To Be On Scene For Roger Stone’s Arrest, Who Tipped Them Off?

CNN Just Happens To Be On Scene For Roger Stone’s Arrest, Who Tipped Them Off?

The news today is going to be all about the early morning arrest of Roger Stone. Of course, many are chock full of glee that we have…

CNN Doesn’t Like News Station’s Facts

CNN Doesn’t Like News Station’s Facts

Fresh off the Jim Acosta wall debacle, CNN turned to a San Diego TV station for a “local view” of the wall controversy. Surely the media in…

CNN Analyst Files Nails, Doesn’t Care About Border Security

CNN Analyst Files Nails, Doesn’t Care About Border Security

How does a woman signal that she is not listening to you and totally disrespects you as a human being? She files her nails. And, then to…

Our Wishes for a Conservative New Year

Our Wishes for a Conservative New Year

Here at Victory Girls we’d like to see a conservative 2019. Which means, of course, that some big things need to happen — like The Wall. But…

Claas Relotius, CNN’s Journalist Of The Year Fired For Pedaling Fake News For Years

Claas Relotius, CNN’s Journalist Of The Year Fired For Pedaling Fake News For Years

CNN has thrown a continual hissy fit for the last two years because they’ve been labeled ‘Fake News’ by Trump and many others. Sadly for them, the…

Dear Media; Your Glee Over The Multiple Trump Investigations Is Appalling

Dear Media; Your Glee Over The Multiple Trump Investigations Is Appalling

Multiple media outlets in the last 24-48 hours have published articles and commentary about the multiple on-going investigations into any and all members of the Trump Administration….

Media Defends Marc Lamont Hill By Deception

Media Defends Marc Lamont Hill By Deception

After using the most well-known call for the destruction of the state of Israel in a speech at the United Nations, CNN quietly cut ties with Temple…

CNN’s Mark Lamont Hill Endorses Palestinian Violence, Wants Israel Eliminated [VIDEO]

CNN’s Mark Lamont Hill Endorses Palestinian Violence, Wants Israel Eliminated [VIDEO]

Just three days ago, CNN released a story showing that there is widespread ignorance of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism is alive and well all across Europe. What…

CNN Lawsuit Gets Jim Acosta Out Of Timeout

CNN Lawsuit Gets Jim Acosta Out Of Timeout

CNN made their case for their precious Jim Acosta’s White House “hard pass” access in front of a judge yesterday. Fox News filed an amicus curiae, proving…

Fox News Gulps the Stupid

Fox News Gulps the Stupid

As we reported previously, CNN is suing the White House  after their White House chief correspondent Jim Acosta made himself the news story by acting like a…

Ted Olson Is Wrong, It’s About Acosta’s Behavior NOT The First Amendment [VIDEO]

Ted Olson Is Wrong, It’s About Acosta’s Behavior NOT The First Amendment [VIDEO]

As Deanna pointed out yesterday, CNN decided to go all in to protect their precious Jim “Gollum” Acosta by filing suit against the White House for daring…

CNN Decides Jim Acosta Is Their Precious, Files Lawsuit

CNN Decides Jim Acosta Is Their Precious, Files Lawsuit

Well, it actually happened. Now we know that CNN really doesn’t care that it’s no longer a serious news network. Today, they actually decided to go full…

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Ava Gardner