Juan Williams’ “Trump The Great Destroyer” A Bit Right

Juan Williams’ “Trump The Great Destroyer” A Bit Right

It would appear that Juan Williams is late to the party. If you Google “Trump Destroyer,” twenty-six million hits pop up in less than one minute. This…

Kavanaugh Clash: Lisa Murkowski Facing Alaska GOP Backlash

Kavanaugh Clash: Lisa Murkowski Facing Alaska GOP Backlash

It’s bad enough that Lisa Murkowski continues to stand in the way of defunding the abortion mill that is Planned Parenthood, even with video evidence that they…

Brett Kavanaugh: Justice Delivered

Brett Kavanaugh: Justice Delivered

Brett Kavanaugh is finally a member of the U.S. Supreme Court. The only thing sweeter than hearing the rending of garments and the lamentations of pussyhatted females…

Kavanaugh Confirmed, The Crying Begins

Kavanaugh Confirmed, The Crying Begins

It was a political circus like none we have ever seen, but Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed as the next associate justice of the Supreme Court today.

Seven Senators Splain About Kavanaugh Cloture Vote

Seven Senators Splain About Kavanaugh Cloture Vote

As I write this post, it’s three o’clock in the morning Eastern Daylight Time and some mouth breathing maroon is on the floor of the U.S. Senate…

Susan Collins Assures Kavanaugh’s Nomination [VIDEO]

Susan Collins Assures Kavanaugh’s Nomination [VIDEO]

Senator Susan Collins all but assured that Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be the next justice of the Supreme Court today, when she announced that she would vote…

A Nation Of 12 Angry Men: Reasonable Doubt For Everyone Except Brett Kavanaugh

A Nation Of 12 Angry Men: Reasonable Doubt For Everyone Except Brett Kavanaugh

The Senate, as Deanna notes here, in a vote of 51-49 has set cloture in motion regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court. Sadly,…

Brett Kavanaugh Stands Tall For His Family, His Honor, For Our Republic

Brett Kavanaugh Stands Tall For His Family, His Honor, For Our Republic

Last week, Brett Kavanaugh gave an impassioned and forceful defense of his honor in response to the accusations and allegations from Christine Blasey Ford that showed up…

Fail: Your Child Can’t Pass The Citizenship Test

Fail: Your Child Can’t Pass The Citizenship Test

This is not just a fail, but an epic fail. Your child, and I say that with a grain of salt, cannot pass the citizenship test of…

Alyssa Milano and #MeToo, But Not For Juanita Broaddrick

Alyssa Milano and #MeToo, But Not For Juanita Broaddrick

Ladies and gentleman, we have always known that a game was being played. A serious game in which lives are destroyed, but a game nonetheless. Juanita Broaddrick,…

Christine Blasey Ford May Have Lied About Polygraph And 2nd Door; What Else Might She Have Lied About?

Christine Blasey Ford May Have Lied About Polygraph And 2nd Door; What Else Might She Have Lied About?

Yes, I know, we are ready for all the drama around Brett Kavanaugh to end. If we are tired of the baseless accusations and media idiocy, how…

Julie Swetnick’s Stories About Brett Kavanaugh Don’t Add Up [VIDEO]

Julie Swetnick’s Stories About Brett Kavanaugh Don’t Add Up [VIDEO]

Julie Swetnick is the third accuser that Brett Kavanaugh has been dealing with. According to her sworn declaration (not statement mind you), she was a witness to Kavanaugh…

Lindsey Graham Finds His Spine

Lindsey Graham Finds His Spine

It has been quite a interesting few days for Senator Lindsey Graham. On Thursday, he broke loose with an impressive and impassioned defense of Judge Brett Kavanaugh…

Kavanaugh Playoff Goes Into Extra Innings

Kavanaugh Playoff Goes Into Extra Innings

We all thought the GOP had scored the winning run on Friday. With the score 11-10, and the GOP in the lead, it looked like a full…

Cory Booker’s Dark Moment [VIDEO]

Cory Booker’s Dark Moment [VIDEO]

Much has been written about the travesty of justice and decency that were the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearings on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, but in the…

Sheldon Whitehouse Has Mad Skillz

Sheldon Whitehouse Has Mad Skillz

So the plot thickens. Now, instead of a full Senate vote on Brett Kavanaugh come Tuesday, we have a delay for an FBI investigation. But maybe Sheldon Whitehouse,…

Decent People Shun Public Service – Can You Blame Them?

Decent People Shun Public Service – Can You Blame Them?

Have you ever wondered why so few quality people want to get into public service? I am not talking about  the leeches who are in it for…

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Ava Gardner