Salon Election Strategy: Joy, Vibes And Now Television

Salon Election Strategy: Joy, Vibes And Now Television

Salon Election Strategy: Joy, Vibes And Now Television

As we flip through the society papers of what is happening in the world today, Melanie McFarland of Salon muses about television’s influence on getting Kamala Harris into the White House.

On TV, the seventh and final season of “Scandal” did what America couldn’t bring itself to do in 2016, electing Bellamy Young’s Melody Grant to the highest office in the land. That vision is courtesy of Shonda Rhimes, who placed the power to make and break politicians in the hands of a Black woman, Kerry Washington’s Olivia Pope.”-Melanie McFarland, Salon

Courtesy of Shonda Rhimes who threw in a “throuple” relationship into last season’s hit series, Bridgerton. Yeah, okay. We’re now living in Shondaland, a perfect existence where anything is possible, to include influencing voters. McFarland goes on to discuss Kerry Washington’s character, Olivia Pope. Liv, as she was called, was having an affair with the country’s previous president. But Bellamy Young’s character (the president’s ex-wife), Melody, “gets her”, (even though she slept with her husband) because of a “veneer of nobility to all her ambition”.

McFarland’s translation of all of this for mindless sheeple? Kamala Harris slept with a married man because she had “noble ambition”. We have now normalized adultery, ladies and gentlemen. But, what can we expect from a producer who normalizes threesomes in a fictional, Victorian era? Moving along, McFarland gives us Exhibit #2, Veep:

Veep, she argues, was written by a group of misogynistic men.

Let me explain it to you: On ‘Veep,’ I played a narcissistic megalomaniac sociopath, and that is not Kamala Harris, It might be another candidate in the race.”-Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Let us explain something here because I really do not think Elaine knows the definition of a narcissist. Narcissists do things as a means to an end to ease into power-to include having affairs with married men. Narcissists will make light of, and laugh off a crisis because they are both a dangerous combination of inept and uncaring:

Pure, fluffy, fluffy joy, they say.

Narcissists will also do ANYTHING to climb the ladder of success to include lying about their accolades and achievements. Sounds a hell of a lot like Kamala’s hopeful VP, don’t ya knoooowww (trying my best at a Midwestern accent)? Narcissists love the limelight, adoration of the masses and love a party but also love a good humblebrag, which is why the DNC chose to bring Barack Obama to the non-stop party in Chi-Town:

Despite the gender split redux, we’ve been told that 2024 is different from 2016 — not quite a rerun, maybe even a do-over. The post-Democratic National Convention afterglow is drawing comparisons to the heady days leading up to Barack Obama’s election in 2008 when hope and change felt possible. Sixteen years ago critics wondered whether seeing much-loved actors like Morgan Freeman and Dennis Haysbert play effective and charismatic presidents helped Obama win the election. Haysbert was happy to take some credit, citing the ongoing popularity of his President David Palmer, a fixture of ’24’ for five seasons.”--Melanie McFarland, Salon

The afterglow. She’s just like Obama, that Kamala Harris! So inspirational are the stories of falling from the coconut trees of hope! So hopeful and aspirational and possible are the changes that come from her drunken word salads at house parties. She’s so deep and so highly-functional and that’s why “commoners” who favor Trump have yet to understand the sheer awesomeness she is going to let loose on Inauguration Day.

Obama understood the power of meeting the American people on their terms, speaking directly to them as often as possible through official speeches and the softer language of entertainment. Once he left office he founded his own production company Higher Ground.”-Melanie McFarland, Salon

The softer language of entertainment. A $65-million-dollar contract with Netflix to spread propaganda that soft language. A narcissist’s dream!

McFarland of Salon also discusses more not-so-great portrayals of female presidents on TV to include House of Cards “I had three abortions because I’m a bada$$ b*tch and had goals“, the ruthless, Claire Underwood. A character “written by misogynistic men”, of course, even though Robin Wright was an executive producer on the show, along with diddler, Kevin Spacey. McFarland also calls out Katherine Heigl’s character on State of Affairs by stating, “it’s probably better if you forgot about it”n (the show, that is).

Which is why we will call Vox into the mix here because they’ve outlined Heigl’s horrific performance in detail and there are many parallels to the reality:

1. She’s a horrible fake drunk.
2. She doesn’t look comfortable at work.
3. She can’t hide her emotions at work.
4. Her body language looks forced.
5. She doesn’t have CIA-level coordination.
6. She treats the Oval Office like her home.
7. No one at work is actually this funny.”-Kelsey McKinney and Alex Abad-Santos, Vox

These seven characteristics of Heigl’s character hit a little too close to home, if you ask me. We, The People, have a horrible REAL drunk (not a rumor) woman spouting off her musings at parties in Los Angeles, who wants to be President. She is, in reality, unappealing and awkward. She laughs at things that are not funny or intended to be humorous. Yet our television bobbleheads are bleeting in unison at us that her campaign now brings newfound “joy” and “hope” and “inspiration” and “freedom” and “strength”.

Dearest Gentle Reader, it’s all a vibe, they say. In reality, it’s complete and utter dumbassery if you let Salon, the boob tube or any of these idiots on it or producing this fiction, impact your election decision this November. Yours Truly, Joy, Peace, Love and Light, Shondaland Utopian Fabulousness and Good Vibes and more Joy oozing like a festering mole on a Victorian queen’s upper-lip, The Ladies of Victory Girls.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Well, Harris is a lying, incompetent narcissist and racist with virtually no qualifications for the office, and hopes to destroy everything that has made our nation great, so I would suggest she is VERY much like B. Hussein.. (or is it barry sotero when he’s grifting?? I forget)

  • NTSOG says:

    The following was written by the foreign affairs correspondent, Greg Sheridan, for The Australian newspaper today. The headline read “Harris’s empty words an insult to US voters and democracy”:

    “The CNN interview was unintentionally revealing. Harris, in striking contrast to professional politicians of the past such as Barack Obama or Bill Clinton, has avoided doing any unscripted interviews or live exchanges on camera. No one suggests she’s suffering cognitive decline like Joe Biden, but she is unbelievably hopeless at explaining her policies, or even just talking in sensible English about policy issues.”

    Here’s the article:

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