Remember, This Is What Single Payer Looks Like [VIDEO]

Remember, This Is What Single Payer Looks Like [VIDEO]

Remember, This Is What Single Payer Looks Like [VIDEO]

The single payer healthcare dream is still alive and well and being pushed by Bernie Sanders and his acolytes. One of them just got a shining and pretty profile written, courtesy of Yahoo News.

(Tim) Faust is one of the most prominent of a band of activists who have rallied to the cause of expanding health care, which for him means going beyond Obamacare to the kind of single-payer system — the single payer being the federal government — proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, in a bill he introduced last year. But Faust also has a broader vision of “health justice,” which goes beyond simply paying for doctor’s visits to dealing with everything that affects health, such as nutrition and environmental pollution. He is one of the most visionary and visible of the activists advocating reforms, not just at the national level but increasingly in states where Republican administrations have refused to participate in the expansion of Medicaid authorized by the Affordable Care Act.

Faust views single-payer care as the first step toward his desired goal of health justice. His dream is a robust single-payer program that would also mandate the government to fix any systemic problems that were making people sick. Are the homeless going to the hospital due to exposure? Health justice would provide for the construction of housing. Are people malnourished because they live in food deserts where fresh vegetables are hard to come by? Health justice would subsidize affordable produce in those areas. Lead pipes contaminating the water in cities like Flint, Mich.? Health justice provides the mechanism for funding replacements.

As far as paying for it — the Sanders plan is estimated to cost around $1.4 trillion — Faust says the country is already shouldering the burden of paying for health care, either directly through premiums or via tax dollars as subsidies to insurance companies. There would also be potential savings from negotiating down costs for things like MRIs, which cost five times as much in the United States as they do in Australia. He also dismisses libertarian criticisms that the program would put too much power in the hands of the government. He argues that it’s better to give that power to democratically elected officials than to CEOs immune from public feedback.

I’m sure someone like Faust doesn’t care much that his version of “health justice” would inevitably lead to cases like Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans. But why has no one confronted Faust and company about the universal health care that we already have in the United States? How convenient that no one ever asks these socialist dopes what they think of the VA health care system.

Currently, the VA sits without a leader, and despite both sides agreeing that the situation is a hot mess, no one seems to be able to slam down the hammer and fix anything.

Which is why horrific stories like wounded veteran Joey Jones‘s still keep coming to light.


Anyone else mad yet? You will be.

What. The. Hell.
Even Jake Tapper took notice.

And for people pointing out that doctors shouldn’t be dealing out prescription painkillers out of the ER…

… please remember that Jones is a double amputee and DID WHAT THE VA INSTRUCTED HIM TO DO.

The story has an okay ending for the moment.

Veterans have been treated horribly and even died, and nothing ever changes.

If this news is true, it would signal a welcome change.

A White House official says Rep. Brian Mast of Florida is among the list of candidates for the job serving 9 million veterans.

Mast is the first member of Congress to open a lawmaker office in a VA facility, setting up shop in the West Palm Beach VA to meet with veterans. He was wounded when serving in Afghanistan in 2010, which resulted in the amputation of both of his legs.

Something MUST change for our veterans. And I dare those single payer “health justice” advocates to spend a day at the VA. Go and see what socialized medicine looks like RIGHT NOW under federal control in the United States.

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