“Proud To Be Jewish” Bernie Skips AIPAC This Weekend

“Proud To Be Jewish” Bernie Skips AIPAC This Weekend

“Proud To Be Jewish” Bernie Skips AIPAC This Weekend

Among the Democrat hopefuls making appearances or addressing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference this year are Mike Bloomberg, Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden. Among the Democrat hopefuls not in attendance? “Proud To Be Jewish” Presidential hopeful, Bernie Sanders.

What, pray tell, is “Proud to be Jewish” Bernie doing instead of AIPAC? He will be at a rally in Los Angeles that will feature a performance by Chuck D of rap group, Public Enemy.

Rapper Chuck D and his group, Public Enemy have always been very vocal about their support of Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan. This, from Mr. Farrakhan just the other day:

Mr. Trump killed my brother Qassem Soleimani. Mrs. Clinton killed my other brother Muammar Qaddafi. That’s why I couldn’t support Mrs. Clinton. And some of my little black friends [were] angry with me because I wasn’t going to vote for Mrs. Clinton.”-Louis Farrakhan at the Savior’s Day Conference in Detroit, MI

Soleimani was Farrakhan’s brother, he said. His best friend forever. Now, Bernie Sanders skips AIPAC to kick it with Public Enemy who offered shout-outs to Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam on several of their raps hits. It’s okay, though. Public Enemy won’t refer to “Proud to Be Jewish” Bernie as a termite, would they? And we’re sure Bernie is one of those “good Jews” and not one of the “Satanic Jews” Farrakhan speaks of, right?

What’s so disturbing about Bernie Sanders pairing up with Public Enemy, you ask? Take this from a ditty they like to call “Swindler’s Lust”:

Yeah back it up
Vultures of culture
A dollar a rhyme, but we barely get a dime
Uh-huh, check it out
If you don’t own the master, then the master own you
Who you trust, from Swindler’s Lust? (g’yeah!)
From the back of the bus, neither one of us
Control the fate of our soul, in Swindler’s Lust”-Public Enemy

They wouldn’t be talking about Jewish record executives now, would they? They DO realize that Bernie Sanders is an equal-opportunity communist, right? Want to talk swindling? Don’t talk to Proud-to-be-Jewish Bernie Sanders about “reactionary racism” though. Bernie is so Jewish, he even spent time on a (communist) kibbutz in the 60s. But Sanders won’t be at AIPAC this weekend. Why? The people who go to AIPAC actually like Israel. This does not play well to the campaigning “Proud to be Jewish” Bernie Sanders, though.

The funny thing about this? Public Enemy does not even want to be tied to the Sanders campaign. Just last night, Public Enemy co-creator, Flavor Flav, retained a law firm to issue a cease-and-desist letter to Sanders for “portraying a false narrative to the American people“. While rapper Chuck D of Public Enemy will still endorse Sanders, Flavor Flav isn’t.

The continued publicizing of this grossly misleading narrative is, at a minimum, careless and irresponsible if not intentionally misleading. Flav is reaching out, not in the spirit of division, but for the sake of unity in the hope of preserving the integrity of the Public Enemy Movement and the faith and trust his millions of fans around the world have placed in him.”-Matthew H. Friedman/Ford & Friedman.

Oops. Seems even part of Public Enemy does not want anything to do with Sanders. A socialist utopia is not the only false narrative the Sanders campaign is guilty of, apparently.

But don’t kid yourself, Bernie Sanders is so proud to be Jewish, through and through. He was proud to be Jewish on his honeymoon to the former Soviet Union. He was proud to be Jewish as he all but officially endorsed Jeremy Corbyn of the British Labour Party. Fear not. Bernie “So Proud to Be Jewish” Sanders will stand up to anti-Semitism, though. Especially where white neo-nazis are concerned. He will fear-monger like the rest of the democrats about this being the world we are living in because of Trump. The world we are living in sucks because of Trump who ignores climate change. It sucks because Trump fans the flames of racism. It sucks because (sniffle, sniffle) not all of the mouth-breathers in this nation are getting their free ride-ahem-I meant “fair share”. Sanders will spew this rhetoric all while spitting all over Benjamin Netanyahu and the Nation of Israel. He will do this while linking arms with Linda “Israel is linked to Jewish supremacy” Sarsour, Rashida (Blood Libel) Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, his campaign manager and foreign policy adviser (both accused of anti-Semitism while working at the Center For American Progress) and now, racist friends of Farrakhan in the name of pandering to the African-American vote. Ladies and Gentleman, he’s Bernie Sanders and he’s proud to be Jewish.

Yeah. Don’t believe the hype.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/FlickR/Creative Commons/Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)/Cropped

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