Pete Sends Pizza to the Police

Pete Sends Pizza to the Police

Pete Sends Pizza to the Police

The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #36 in South Bend, Indiana called out Mayor Pete Buttigieg yesterday for trying to buy them off with pizza. Buttigieg, in full campaign mode, previously called the police department “racists”. Take a look.

This video accompanies a press release from the South Bend FOP. Buttigieg, previously wrote that the shooting of 54-year-old Eric Logan by Sgt. Ryan O’Neill highlighted that “all police work and all of American life takes place in the shadow of racism, which hurts everyone and everything it touches. Historic racism, present-day racism, and generational racism – they all secrete a kind of poison into the bloodstream of this country.”

The shooting forced Buttigieg off the campaign trail a few weeks ago and he returned to South Bend to a very intense town hall meeting.

Taking the fact that the officer was white and Eric Logan was black out of the equation, Logan came at Sgt. Ryan O’Neill with a knife.

Police are taught to treat a knife as a deadly weapon, because a suspect armed with a knife within 21-feet of an officer is as much of a deadly threat as a suspect with a gun. In this case, the suspect armed with an eight-inch hunting knife was less than 10 feet from the officer and refused multiple commands to drop the weapon. In light of self-defense law and police training, this shooting was completely justified.”-Harvey Mills, South Bend Fraternal Order of Police

Mills implored Buttigieg to recuse himself of this matter and let the department do their jobs and to not use this incident to further his political campaign. You can read the whole statement here.

Never anyone mind the fact Buttigieg fired Darryl Boykins, a popular (and black), police chief of South Bend in 2012. Convenient how Buttigieg likes to play the race card when it comes to campaigning for the camera but has no issues with putting an African-American man out of a job and causing division within the police department and the residents of South Bend that can be felt to this day.

In fact, when we harken back to as early as 2012, we can see that blacks have fared worse under the leadership of “Mayor Pete” in South Bend.

South Bend itself is a bit of a problem for him because even though he has this very far-reaching Douglass Plan to try and fight systemic racism in this country, there are troubling issues back home about police staffing, which African-Americans dropped by half under his watch, and on city contracting, where African-American — where minority businesses have done rather poorly in sharing in the business of the city, even though 40 percent of the city is black and Hispanic.”-David Axelrod, CNN

Somehow, Buttigieg thought delivering hot, circles of garbage (to quote Kevin Malone of The Office), was a good peace offering to the South Bend police department. He may as well have delivered donuts for the ultimate insult.

All of this would beg the question, if South Bend, Indiana is at odds with its local systems, who is indeed at the helm? And if racial tensions have increased under his leadership as Mayor, what makes anyone think Buttigieg would make a great president? Because he would be the first openly gay man in The White House? All of a sudden, in the world of identity politics, this qualifies someone who is inept at a local level? And, I hate to burst the liberal bubbles of those who “love all, accept all” but gay men can be racists, too! Shocker, I know. But I digress…

Pete Buttigieg’s divisive anti-law-enforcement rhetoric is dangerous to our men and women who go out daily and attempt to enforce law and order in our cities. What Buttigieg neglected to mention in his divisive statements about the “shadow of racism” were the number of police officers of all ethnic backgrounds who are killed in the line of duty. Let’s compound this with popular culture appealing to our youth that law enforcement officers are inherently bad and deserve to be ridiculed. Buying a police department and the officers within with food after sheer disrespect shows how delusional Mayor Pete really is. Pizza doesn’t make everything better, Pete. A heartfelt apology would have been great but doing this would mean Buttigieg could not continue on with the divisive race-baiting rhetoric like the best of them. And after all, with dismal polling numbers, Mayor Pete may need all the help he can get from the anti-law-enforcement fringe. At least he’s flush with cash to buy some people off. Its not easy being cheesy.

Photo Credit: FlickR/Creative Commons/Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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