Who Unmasked Tucker Carlson?

Who Unmasked Tucker Carlson?

On June 28, Fox News host Tucker Carlson told his audience that the National Security Agency had been spying on him through his emails. A whistleblower, he…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “No Prisoners!” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “No Prisoners!” Edition

Paladin wants VGirl readers to watch a clip from Lawrence of Arabia; it is relentless, horrific and it may be what we narrowly avoided today.  That is,…

Media War: NYT Attacks The Post Over Biden Emails

Media War: NYT Attacks The Post Over Biden Emails

The media is in a state of collapse, hastened by their inability to separate fact from their desired fictions.

Democrats: Violence In Democrat Cities Is Trump’s Fault

Democrats: Violence In Democrat Cities Is Trump’s Fault

The Democrat narrative is loud and clear this morning. All the violence and the shooting in Portland last night is President Trump’s fault.

China Watch: Surveillance State Nabs Whistleblower

China Watch: Surveillance State Nabs Whistleblower

No, Donald Trump’s Nazi Surveillance State did not arrest Eric Ciaramella, the alleged “whistleblower” who leaked Trump’s Ukrainian phone call. Nor would Trump’s administration do that, despite the…

Negative Nancy Strikes Again In Post-Acquittal Statement

Negative Nancy Strikes Again In Post-Acquittal Statement

Speaker of the House, Negative Nancy Pelosi has seen better days. The world looked on to see eye-rolls page-tearing on Tuesday evening:

Iowa Democrat Caucus Implodes With No Results

Iowa Democrat Caucus Implodes With No Results

By midnight Eastern time in Iowa, the media, the establishment, the delegates, and Twitter were all ready to grab pitchforks and torches to take on the geniuses…

Five Christmas Gift Ideas For Public Figures

Five Christmas Gift Ideas For Public Figures

Christmas time is here. It’s the Season of Giving. Or, if you are of another faith or non-believer, it’s time to light up the darkness. We love…

Bribery May Be One Of Articles Of Impeachment

Bribery May Be One Of Articles Of Impeachment

There is widespread reporting that the Democrats are planning to draft three or four Articles of Impeachment. Bribery is very likely to be one of them. Despite…

Yovanovitch: Obama Admin Very Concerned About Hunter Biden And Burisma

Yovanovitch: Obama Admin Very Concerned About Hunter Biden And Burisma

As the impeachment clown show continues, there is much to unpack regarding former Ambassador Masha Yovanovitch and her testimony. Particularly telling is the comparison of her opening…

Elijah Cummings Dies, What Happens Now

Elijah Cummings Dies, What Happens Now

The news broke this morning that Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland had died at age 68.

Mueller Protest March Is A Resistance Embarrassment

Mueller Protest March Is A Resistance Embarrassment

Remember how the anti-Trump left was mobilizing for a big protest march yesterday? You didn’t remember? Well, I’m pretty sure the marchers wish that you’d forget it,…

George Soros’ Democracy Integrity Project Was Key Funder Of Steele Dossier

George Soros’ Democracy Integrity Project Was Key Funder Of Steele Dossier

With the Mueller report finished and the Barr summary public, many questions remain as to who financed all of this? Who financed the oppo research? Who suggested…

Mueller Report Finished, Now We Wait

Mueller Report Finished, Now We Wait

Raise your hand if you thought this day would never come. Robert Mueller is apparently DONE with his report.

Democrats POUNCE On Jared Kushner Security Clearance Story

Democrats POUNCE On Jared Kushner Security Clearance Story

Rumors from the media have been circulating for well over a year now that Jared Kushner’s security clearance was either bogus or rushed through the system. Now…

Trump Orders Carter Page FISA Documents Declassified And Media Freaks [VIDEO]

Trump Orders Carter Page FISA Documents Declassified And Media Freaks [VIDEO]

As if Monday wasn’t crazy enough regarding the Kavanaugh accuser’s increasingly problematic story, Trump decided to pour fuel on the fire. His order to immediately declassify the…

Scaramucci Out As White House Communications Director [VIDEO]

Scaramucci Out As White House Communications Director [VIDEO]

Eleven days. That’s how long it took for Anthony Scaramucci to wear out his welcome and go straight out the back door at the White House. BREAKING:…

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Ava Gardner