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As the investigation continues, we are learning more about the shooter, Omar Mateen. Including the fact that he worked as a security guard and had passed all background checks, despite having been under investigation by the FBI twice, and interviewed three different times.
A law enforcement source told The Daily Beast they declared Mateen a “person of interest” while an active investigation went on about him. The agency opened files on Mateen, whose parents are from Afghanistan, in 2013 and 2014, but felt there was nothing the FBI could follow up on.
“He’s a known quantity,” the law enforcement source said. “He’s been on the radar before.”
However, the FBI’s training on handling possible Islamic terror suspects was turned upside down five years ago, when the Obama administration began a purge of training material that would remove references to Islam that Muslim subject matter experts, hired by the Justice Department, found offensive.
And why would the FBI investigate him? Apparently, the first investigation in 2013 came about because Mateen claimed he knew the Tsarnaev brothers – otherwise known as the Boston Marathon bombers.
According to FBI Agent Ron Hopper, Mateen first came to the FBI’s attention in 2013 when he made inflammatory comments to co-workers alleging possible ties to terrorism. He told co-workers and others he knew the Tsarnaev brothers, a U.S. intelligence source tells Tepper.
Hopper says the claims were “thoroughly investigated” and Mateen was interviewed twice. But officials couldn’t verify the substance of the comments, and the investigation was closed.
Mateen again surfaced on federal radar in 2014, Hopper said, as someone who may have had ties to a suicide bomber. Mateen was again interviewed, but investigators determined the contact was minimal and didn’t constitute a threat. That investigation was also closed out, Hopper said.
Mateen was not on a current terror watchlist, a U.S. intelligence source tells Tepper. He was entered into a terrorist screening database during the time the FBI was questioning him, but he was removed when the FBI closed the investigation, Tepper reports.
So, despite making claims of knowing terrorists, and having possible links to a suicide bomber, the FBI didn’t feel like getting pushy about it. However, a former coworker at the security company Mateen worked for, G4S, say he was given a pass on “unhinged” behavior because he was Muslim.
Holy hell.
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) June 12, 2016
So, while the warning signs existed, neither the FBI or G4S wanted to be accused of “targeting” Mateen. Remember, the FBI also ignored Russian intelligence warnings about the Tsarnaev brothers. The FBI also didn’t want to investigate Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood murderer, because they were too concerned about being politically correct. G4S, which has an interesting security history of its own, kept him gainfully employed despite the FBI investigations, and because of his job there, he had a license to operate as a security officer. He passed all background checks, despite being investigated twice.
And despite all the red flags, despite the 911 call where he pledged allegiance to ISIS, and despite ISIS itself claiming credit for the attack, the Obama administration, politicians, and other talking heads want to treat this as a “hate crime” or a “gun control” issue. It is the rare politician who recognizes what we are truly up against.
My statement on the Orlando terrorist attack:
— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) June 12, 2016
Our nation is at war. Radical Islamic terrorism has declared jihad on America.
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) June 12, 2016
If we cannot acknowledge that there is an enemy out there who wishes us all dead, then political correctness will truly be the death of us all.
Another bit of political correctness, it seems. Reddit has been censoring any reference to the shooting on its /r/news sub-reddit. Drudge has the Daily Caller story on it.
Everyone is so enamored of not offending a group of terribly offensive people* that they won’t acknowledge the single most telling indicator of future violent behavior: islam.
(* Yes, as a group they are offensive. Their culture, their religion, their attitudes, their sheer a**-holery, is offensive. Individual muslims can be great people. As a group, they need to be eradicated if they won’t change.)
Tell me, are you really surprised at this level of PC – and we all know the potential results, don’t we?
And, of course, CAIR is getting in on the act, too.
Funny that he names two phobias that just don’t seem to exist, for the most part: homophobia and islamophobia. Orlando was (finally) an act of homophobia. Maybe we can get some folks in The Village to go b****-slap some muslims and finally have a act of islamophobia, too.
[…] right, it wouldn’t have been. Because Omar Mateen had no criminal record, the FBI had closed their investigations, and he had passed all background checks that allowed him to work as a security guard. Hello, straw […]