

well, of course not. we are republic; a nation of laws that practices a form of democracy with a unique american exceptionalism that is greater then any one man (even The iOne) or party. but, this video IS pretty good.

heh. sometimes, confronted with our very bad behavior, the truth hurts.

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  • Jane says:

    To even infer that Barack is anything like the murderous dictator in Iran is just really crossing a line. I am disappointed in you.

  • micky says:

    Well Jane, maybe Obama shouldnt of given 900 million to Hamas

  • kate says:

    jane please read for comprehension. thanks. also, please tell me what on the vid is incorrect?

  • micky says:

    They forgot to mention that neither one is going out of his way for Israel either

  • BikerDan says:

    Hey I think that’s a great video! Jane you and your starry-eyed Obamatons better start dealing with facts kiddo. Your Messiah… well, not so much.

  • Ken says:

    “To even infer that Barack is anything like the murderous dictator in Iran is just really crossing a line.”

    Spare us, Jane. The left had signs of Bush as Hitler as well as some who suggested he should be beheaded. The left has NO room to talk about class or indignity. You’re all a bunch of hypocritical liars.

  • Ken says:

    It’s absolutely hysterical that these are the same people who trashed the Republicans over their spending. Behold, the Vice-Moron:


    “We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation,” Biden said.

    “Well, people that I say that to say, ‘What are you talking about, you’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, I’m telling you.”

    That’s quite a duo you’ve put in charge of the country. Congratulations!!

  • lisab says:

    jackie mason on palin and obama

  • micky says:

    I love Mason.

  • micky says:

    “To even infer that Barack is anything like the murderous dictator in Iran is just really crossing a line.”

    Yet you want Obama to sit and chat with a “murderous dictator”

    Dont forget, hes actually a real honest to God terrorist also.
    Since you were willing to admit to what he is I thought it would be a good time to ask that question

  • Gene says:

    kate said: your inappropriate comment was deleted.

  • Ken says:

    “mickey go f*ck yourself. you freakshow know it all. sick? youlve lived off the system all your failed life. stfu loser”

    Gene is obviously in need of some government mental health care and government supplied medicines…..or he is a result of it, I’m not sure which.

  • lisab says:

    a little risperidone might help take the edge off gene

  • kate says:

    hey gene
    please do not come here to bash others. if you have something that is substantive to the post you may comment, any of your garbage and you are gone. please consider this your only warning.

  • Ken says:

    Err, you can delete mine as well, Kate, since I quoted dear Gene. I know you don’t want his garbag on your site, it won’t bother me.

  • micky says:


    I’d really love for you to come on over to my blog and talk your sh*t, okay ?

    You obviously dont know a damn thing about me, or have a bone to pick because I fail to see how you come to those conclusiuons based on my mentioning Obamas appeasement of and charity to middle eastern terrorists.
    Just click on that little blue moniker that says “Micky” Who knows, maybe we’ll become best friends ?

    At the risk of sounding like I’m banging my own drum with the intention really only being to educate you ( good luck right? ) I’m probably the guy who either handed you your last meal at the shelter, bought you fresh underwear at the bus stop one day or am the reason your mom hates you.


  • lisab says:


    how many times are you going to see the new harry potter movie?

  • kate says:

    heh lisa! well i will go see it but probably only twice. i am more of a lotr kind of girl. 😀

  • lisab says:

    i did not get the lotr … but i like harry potter.

    however, i did have a question for you about your site … what if a muslim women liked wearing a burka and wanted to come to your site? would it still be a burka free zone?

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