Misguided Hecklers Scream For Mitch McConnell’s Retirement

Misguided Hecklers Scream For Mitch McConnell’s Retirement

Misguided Hecklers Scream For Mitch McConnell’s Retirement

Hecklers decided to call for, well scream and chant really, Senator Mitch McConnell’s retirement at an event on Saturday.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was drowned out by jeers and chants of “retire” during a speech in Kentucky Saturday, just days after the Republican lawmaker froze up midsentence at an event.

While speaking at the Fancy Farm picnic, one of his home state’s main political events, the 81-year-old Republican received some positive cheers before getting drowned out by an angry crowd screaming “Shame on you,” “Ditch Mitch,” “Retire” and “Lost the Senate.”

As I noted here, the issues of Mitch McConnell’s health along with the health of others such as Dianne Feinstein AND Joe Biden are definitely concerning. While some claim he had a stroke, it could also have been what is called an absence seizure. 

That said, the hecklers yelling for Mitch to retire are misguided. Either willfully or out of ignorance of what the consequences would be if McConnell did indeed retire before his term is up. 

First, Kentucky has a Democrat governor. If you think for one hot second that Governor Beshear would appoint a conservative Republican to that seat… Because, even though there is a new rule requiring that the governor must appoint a Republican to McConnell’s seat if he retires, that doesn’t mean Beshear will appoint a fully conservative Republican! 

Should McConnell retire? Only he can answer that question. Should Dianne Feinstein retire? Only she, if she is able, can answer that question. And given recent events, I have stronger concerns about Feinstein’s fitness for office than McConnell’s. 

Further questions have been raised as to whether veteran California Senator Dianne Feinstein should remain in office amid reports she is no longer in control of her own legal affairs.

Feinstein’s daughter, Katherine Feinstein, 66, is said to have been given power of attorney over the Democrat amid an ongoing financial dispute regarding the estate of the 90-year-old’s late husband Richard Blum, according to The New York Times.

The reports that Feinstein no longer has her own power of attorney arrive amid long-running calls for her to resign over concerns about her frail health and ability to act in her role.

Back to Mitch McConnell. Even Republicans are saying he should resign. 


As with Beshear NOT putting a Republican in to replace McConnell, everyone needs to remember one very salient fact. It was McConnell who ensured that we do NOT have Merrick Garland sitting on the Supreme Court right now. Furthermore, he along with other Republicans were instrumental in getting three Supreme Court justices confirmed while Trump was in office. Therefore, Trump’s commentary on Truth Social, as well as his comments during a speech on Saturday night are both asinine and equally misguided

“He’s working hard but they need a lot of other people and to stop handing out money every time,” he added, again blaming McConnell for paving the way for the Democrats’ $1.7 billion spending deal passed in September.

Trump then looked directly at Graham and said he believes the Democrats have some dirt on the aging Kentuckian.

“I’m telling you Lindsey, they have something on Mitch McConnell. There’s no way that he’s doing this. They have something on Mitch McConnell. It’s a terrible thing that’s happening with that guy. They got to step up.”

You know, Trump really needs to put a sock in it. He’s OLD as well you know. 

This is a damn good point. 

There’s a lot to like about Mitch McConnell’s track record. There’s also a lot to dislike about his record. Which includes his failures regarding Iran, Planned Parenthood, 2020 GOP election failures across the country, his comments regarding January 6, and backing candidates with problematic track records. 

That said, who among Kentucky Republicans would A. be a good choice to replace McConnell and B. have the ability to win a state-wide race for U.S. Senate when the election rolls around? 

The other issue I have with these misguided hecklers is that, if you are screaming for Mitch McConnell to resign, you should scream JUST AS LOUDLY for Joe Biden to resign. Barring that, you hecklers need to make sure you vote Biden OUT of office. 

Feature Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flikr, CC BY-SA 2.0 license, image cropped

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