McConnell Says Impeachment Is Not Good For The Country

McConnell Says Impeachment Is Not Good For The Country

McConnell Says Impeachment Is Not Good For The Country

While our useless president is on vacation and planning interviews with The Weather Channel, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell is cautioning the GOP against Biden impeachment rhetoric.

Why? Because “it’s not good for the country”, or something.

I said two years ago, when we had not one but two impeachments, that once we go down this path it incentivizes the other side to do the same thing.”-Mitch McConnell

Wait, wut?

Impeachment ought to be rare. This is not good for the country.”-Mitch McConnell

McConnell was one of the many who sounded off on impeachments becoming the norm in an interview with The New York Times; a narrative the liberal media wants to steer because, quite honestly, it was only the “norm” when Trump was concerned. Now that Joe Biden and his illicit family business are under scrutiny (just like Donald Trump was under the Democrats’), they want the masses to think about this for a skinny minute. No, Americans, impeachment should not be “the norm”. It should not be abused. Unless you’re a Democrat trying to oust a Republican President. Then, impeach away. Once, twice, hell, 20 times.

If only I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard the word “impeach” uttered between 2016 and 2020, my salary would rival a do-nothing Hunter Biden’s back in the Burisma glory days and then some. It seems as though McConnell, in this case, played right into the media’s hands. So much for defending this guy. Our very own Nina did when he was being heckled a few days back and I know now, she’s having second thoughts.

If McConnell keeps going along this route, it may very well be time for the Senate Minority Leader to retire. If we look at Mitch McConnell, and really take a good look at him and his track record, is he really good for this country? He did not recommend defunding Planned Parenthood in 2015 when all of those horrific videos of abortion doctors talking baby kidneys and hearts for sale over a salad and a fine Merlot surfaced online. He also has been largely ineffective at being a voice for Republicans throughout the duration of Joe Biden’s presidency. He was largely ineffective in budget negotiations, potential immigration reform and infrastructure legislation. Let’s not even talk about the Afghanistan withdrawal. Now he wants to “caution” the GOP against Biden impeachment rhetoric? And, talking about this incentivizes the other side to do the same thing?

Well, I suppose it’s our turn, now, Mitch.

How good for the country is it if the GOP talks about all of the criminal acts of Joe and Hunter Biden after Joe Biden has done his four (God help us if it’s eight) years of damage? If we look at the current history of impeachments in our country, one was due to a man who could not keep it in his pants (and then lied about it), the other two were against a sitting president because of a phone call/”hoax”. A president who takes bribes? A president who practices actively in the art of influence peddling? Right. Joe Biden “never discussed business matters on the phone” with his son. He was just talking about the weather or something.

Hunter: “Hey Dad, I’m here with our buddies from Burma, how’s the weather in The Grand Canyon today?”
Joe: It’s great, (cough) Big Guy. But I’m hearing there’s a (cough) 10% chance of rain this afternoon.

With a statement like the one Mitch McConnell made, it causes many to question and wonder: whose pocket is McConnell in, anyway? Perhaps public ridicule and mockery was par for the course. Perhaps Mitch McConnell, an establishment D.C. politician, through and through, should retire. He’s not exactly doing anything that is “good” for this country right now, is he? He does not exactly have a backbone, to say the least.

Our country has gone to hell in a hand basket and now, Mitch McConnell is telling us to take the high road?! I’m sorry, Senator McConnell, but after years of lockdowns, outright and passive abuse from the Democrat machine in the form of name-calling, harassment, riots, subtle and not-so-subtle jabs at our intellect, we have earned the right to utter the word “impeach”. After watching our values, morals and pride go down the toilet and watching a sick, old man, lurking at little girls from restaurant windows, condoning sex changes for minors, uttering pure gibberish and nonsense and living off of the proceeds of his family’s foreign influence at our peril, we have earned the right to utter the word “impeach” next to the name, Joseph Robinette Biden.

Don’t like it, Mitch? Don’t think it’s “good” for our country? Retire. I hear there will be pudding at Joe’s place and a Matlock watch party at 6pm tonight.

Feature Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flikr, CC BY-SA 2.0 license, image cropped

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